(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2023-24: Business Studies

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2023-24 : Business Studies

  • Sample Question Paper (Term-1) 2023-24
  • Subject Name : Business Studies
  • Time Allowed: 90
  • Minutes Maximum Marks: 40

1. The Board of directors of Medex Pharma Ltd. decided to issue debentures worth ₹40 lakhs in order to finance a major Research and Development project. This would increase the Debt Equity ratio from 1:1 to 2:1.However, at the same time it would increase the Earnings per share.  The reason that will justify the above situation is: 
a) Unfavourable financial leverage, as the financial risk will be higher.
b) Unfavourable financial leverage, as return on investment is lower than the cost of debt.
c) Favourable financial leverage as debt is easily available
d) Favourable financial leverage, as return on investment is higher than cost of debt 

2. A bottle of Anti- dandruff shampoo mentions ' Clean your hair and get rid of dandruff in one squeeze'. The product related decision involved is
a) Branding 
b) Product quality
c) Packaging 
d) Labelling

3. With the presence of women in the workforce, there has been a shift towards formal wear, increased demand of electronic gadgets and increase in demand of cosmetics.
The related dimension of business environment referred in the above lines is:
a) Technological environment.
b) Social environment
c) Political environment.
d) Economic environment 

4.Name the function of marketing which is effective in bringing repeat sales from the customers and developing brand loyalty for a product.
a) Standardization and grading
b) Promotion
c) Customer support services
d) Packaging and labelling 

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