(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2022-23:Carnatic Music (Percussion)

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2022-23 : Carnatic Music Percussion

  • Sample Question Paper (Term-1) 2022-23
  • Subject Name : Carnatic Music Percussion
  • Time Allowed: 120 Min
  • Minutes Maximum Marks: 30

1. Another name of Arudi.
A. Mohra
B. Koruvai
C. Muktayipu
D. Pharans

2. How many Eduppu are there
a. 4
b. 3
c. 5
d. 7

3. What is the name of medium tempo
a. Druta Laya
b. Vilamba Laya
c. Madhya Laya
d. Kalpita Laya

4. Mention any Kriti in Anagata Eduppu
a. Vatapi Ganapatim
b. Nagumomu
c. Sivakama Sundari
d. Brova barama

5. 1Author of Swaramela Kalanidhi
a. Venkatamakhib. Ramamathya
c. Subbarama Dikshitar
d. Samba Murthy

6. Mentioin the Instrument came from Kerala
a. Chenda
b. Tabala
c. Naal
d. Dolak

7. In which dance form, Edakka is being played
a. Bharata Natyam
b. Kathak
c. Odissi
d. Mohiniyattom

8. Select the Anga which doesn’t come in Shadanga
a. Dhrutam
b. Laghu
c. Guru viramam
d. Kakapadam


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