(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2023-24:Dance Odissi

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2023-24 : Dance Odissi

Sample Question Paper (Term-1) 2023-24

Subject Name : Dance Odissi

Subject Code : 085

Time Allowed: 90

Maximum Marks: 30

1. Who is the Author of Abhinaya Darpan Text?
a) Nandikeshwar
b) Bharat Muni
c) Jayadeva
d) Maheshwar Mahapatra

2. Which Rasa depicts Anger emotion?
a) Hasya
b) Raudra
c) Vibhatsa
d) Karaun

3. In Odissi Dance which musical instrument controls rhythm?
a) Voilin
b) Sitar
c) Manjira
d) Venu (flute)

4. Chhau dance is originated from which state?
a) Jharkhand
b) Sareikela
c) Odisha
d) Bihar

5. The term Angika deals with?
a) Costume
b) Emotions
c) Dialogue
d) Body

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