(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2023-24: Political Science

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(Download) CBSE Class-12 Sample Paper 2023-24 : Political Science

Sample Question Paper (Term-1) 2023-24

Subject Name : Political Science

Subject Code: 028

Time Allowed: 90

Minutes Maximum Marks: 40

1 Arrange the following events in chronological order and choose the correct option:
(i) The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
(ii) End of civil war in Tajikistan.
(iii) A military coup by the Communist Party hardliners.
(iv) Russian Revolution.
a. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
b. (ii), (i), (iv), (iii)
c. (iv), (i), (iii), (ii)
d. (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)

2 .The President of which Central Asian country appointed himself to power, first for ten years and extended it for another ten years?
a. Turkmenistan
b. Ukraine
c. Azerbaijan
d. Kyrgyzstan

3 Arms control is an important measure of traditional security as:
a. It prevents the military action.
b. It coordinates actions to defend against military attack.
c. It regulates the acquisition or development of weapons.
d. It is concerned with preventing a war like situation.

4.ensures that rivals do not go to war through misunderstanding or misconception.
a. Alliance Building
b. Confidence Building
c. Balance of power
d. Arms Control

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