(Syllabus) CBSE Syllabus of Accountancy for Class 12 | March 2009 Examination

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Syllabus : CBSE Syllabus of Accountancy for Class 12 For March 2009 Examination


One Paper                           3 Hours                                      80 Marks

 Part A : Accounting for not for Profit Organisations, Partnership Firms and Companies.

Unit 								Marks 
1. Accounting for not for profit organizations.				10 
2. Accounting for Partnership Firms					05 
3. Reconstitution of Partnership					20 
4. Accounting for Share Capital and Debenture				25 
TOTAL								60 

 Part B: Financial Statement Analysis. 

Unit 								Marks 
5. Analysis of Financial statements					12 
6. Cash Flow Statement						08 
7. Project Work							20 
TOTAL								40 

Part C: Computerized Accounting.

Unit 								Marks 
5. Overview of Computerized System					05 
6. Accounting using Db Management System (DBMS)			08 
7. Accounting Applications of Electronic Spread sheet			07 
8. Practical Work in Computerized Accounting				20 
TOTAL								40 

Part A:
Accounting for Not-For-Profit Organisations, Partnership, Firms and Companies. (Periods 124)

Unit 1: Accounting for Not-For-profit Organisations (Periods 22)

Not for profit organisation: Meaning and examples.
Receipts and payments: Meaning and concept of fund based accounting.
Preparation of Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet from Receipt and Payment Account with additional information.

Unit 2: Accounting for Partnership firms (Periods 14)
Nature of Partnership firm: Partnership Deed-meaning, importance.
Final Accounts of Partnership: Fixed vs Fluctuating Capital, Division of Profit among partners, Profit and Loss Appropriation Account.

Unit 3: Reconstitution of Partnership (Periods 34)

Changes in Profit Sharing Ratio among the existing partners-Sacrificing Ratio and Gaining Ratio.
Accounting for Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities and distribution of reserves and Accumulated Profits.
Goodwill: Nature, Factors affecting and methods of valuation: Average profit, Super profit and Capitalisation methods.
Admission of a Partner: Effect of Admission of Partner, Change in Profit Sharing Ratio, Accounting Treatment for Goodwill, Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities, Reserves (accumulated Profits) and Adjustment of Capitals.
Retirement/Death of a Partner: Change in Profit Sharing ratio, accounting treatment of Goodwill, Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities, Adjustment of accumulated Profits (Reserves) and capitals.

Unit 4: Accounting for Share Capital and Debenture (Periods 54)
Share Capital: Meaning, Nature and Types.

Accounting for share capital: Issue and Allotment of Equity and Preference Shares; Private placement of shares, meaning of employee stock option plan, public subscription of shares; over subscription and under subscription; issue at par, premium and at discount; calls in advance, calls in arrears, issue of shares for consideration other than cash.

Forfeiture of shares: accounting treatment, re-issue of forfeited shares.
Presentation of Share Capital and Debenture in companyfs Balance Sheet.
Issue of debenture-at par and premium; issue of debenture for consideration other than cash.
Redemption of debenture.
Out of proceeds of fresh issue, accumulated profits and sinking fund.

Part B: Financial Statement Analysis

Unit 5: Analysis of Financial Statements (Periods 33)

Financial Statements of a Company: preparation of simple balance sheet of a company in the prescribed form with major headings only.
Financial Statement Analysis: meaning, significance and purpose, limitations,
Tools for Financial Statement Analysis: Comparative Statements, Common Size Statements,

Accounting Ratios: meaning and objectives, types of ratios:
Liquidity Ratios: Current Ratio, Liquidity Ratio
Solvency Ratios: Debt to Equity, Total Assets to Debt, Proprietary Ratio
Activity Ratios: Inventory Turnover, Debtors Turnover, Payables Turnover, Working Capital Turnover, Fixed Assets Turnover, Current Assets Turnover
Profitability Ratio: Gross Profit, Operating Ratio, Net Profit Ratio, Return on Investment, Earning Per Share, Dividend per Share, Profit Earning Ratio

Unit 6: Cash Flow Statement (Periods 33)

Cash Flow Statement: Meaning and objectives, preparation, adjustments related to depreciation, dividend and tax, sale and purchase of non-current assets (as per revised standard issued by ICAI)

Unit 7: Project Work in Accounting (Periods 18)
Part C: Computerised Accounting (Periods 84)

Unit 5: Overview of Computerized Accounting System (Periods 12)

Concept and types of Computerised Accounting System (CAS)
Features of a Computerized Accounting System
Structure of a Computerised Accounting System

Unit 6: Accounting using Database Management System (DBMS) (Periods 26)

Concept of DBMS Objects in DBMS: Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports
Creating data tables for accounting
Using queries, forms and reports for generating accounting information. Applications of DBMS in generating accounting information such as shareholdersf records, sales reports, customersf profile, suppliersf profile, payroll, employeesf profile, petty cash register.

Unit 7: Accounting Applications of Electronic Spreadsheet (Periods 24)

Concept of an Electronic Spreadsheet (ES)
Features offered by Electronic Spreadsheet
Applications of Electronic Spreadsheet in generating accounting information, preparing depreciation schedule, loan repayment schedule, payroll accouning and other such applications.

Unit 8: Practical Work in Computerised Accounting (Periods 22)
Note: Students can opt any one from Part-B or Part-C. Part-A is compulsory.


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