(Syllabus) CBSE Syllabus of Informatics Practices for Class 12 | March 2009 Examination
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Syllabus : CBSE Syllabus of Informatics Practices for Class 12 For March 2009 Examination
Duration: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70
Introduction to Open Source based software:
Terminology: OSS, FLOSS, GNU, FSF, OSI, W3C.
Definitions: Open Source Software, Freeware, Shareware, Proprietary software,
Localisation, UNICODE
Softwares : Linux, Mozilla web browser, Apache server, MySQL, Postgres, Pango,
OpenOffice, Tomcat, PHP, Python
Websites: www.sourceforge.net, www.openrdf.org, www.opensource.org,
www.linux.com, www.linuxindia.net, www.gnu.org.
General concepts, User interfaces (Front End), Underlying Database (Back End),
Integration of User Interface and Database;
More application areas of Databases:
Inventory control, Financial Accounting, Pay-Accounting System, Invoicing
Management System, Personal Management System / HRD System, Fees Management
system, Result Analysis System, Admission Management System, Income Tax
Management System; Advanced Program Development Methodology: System Development
Life Cycle, Relational Database Concept, Relational Database, Management System,
Data Models (Entity Relationship Model), Entity and Entity Set, Attributes
(Single, Composite and Multi-Valued), Relationship (One-to-One, One-to-Many and
Many-to-Many), Entity Relationship Modeling Conventions, Communicating with an
RDBMS using SQL, Relational Database Management System, SQL Statements, About
programming language in SQL. Data Dictionary, Data Warehousing, Data Mining,
Meta Data; Object Modeling: Introduction to object oriented modeling using
Unified Modeling Language (Concepts only). Client Server Computing: Concept of
Client Server Computing.
Review of Class XI;
Programming Fundamentals
Modules: Modules in Visual Basic- Form Modules, Standard Modules, and Class
Modules; Procedures: Procedures (General, Event, Function, Property); Control
Structures: Revision of Decision Structure – IF, IF-THEN-ELSE, Select Case;
Revision of Looping Structure- Do While…Loop, Do…Loop While, For…Next, For
Each…Next; Functions: Concept of Functions, Defining and Use of User Defined
functions, function to perform calculations, Parameterized Functions; Library
Functions (System Functions) String Function: Space( ), Str( ), Right( ), Left(
), Mid( ), InStr( ), Len( ), Ltrim( ), Rtrim( ), Ucase(), Lcase( ), String( );
Numeric Function: Sgn( ), Val( ), Int( ); Time-Related Function: Now( ), Time(
), Minute( ), Month( ); Miscellaneous Function: MsgBox( ), InputBox( ); Types of
forms: Single Document Interface (SDI) and Multiple Document Interface (MDI);
MDI Applications: Creating MDI form and Child form, Arranging Child Forms;
Accessing database from ORACLE using ODBC or ADO or OLEDB to connect with
database. Data Control: Accessing Data with the Data Control, Using Data-Aware
Controls, Using Data Control Properties – Database Name, Exclusive, Options,
Read Only, Record Source, Data Control Methods – Refresh, UpdateControls,
UpdateRecord; Bound Controls: Adding Bound Text and Bound Label Controls.
Data-Bound list Boxes, Grids, and Sub-Forms ADO (ActiveX Data Objects):
Connection Object, Command Object, and RecordSet Object, Special ADO Properties
– Connection String (using single table), Command Text, Command Types, Cursor
Locations, Cursor Types, Lock Types, Mode Types. ADO Data Control: Simple Data
linking using ADO Data Control Methods, ADO Data Control Events.
Review of RDBMS from Class XI
Database Fundamentals
Concept of Database Transaction, Committing a Transaction, Concept of “All or
None” in a Transaction, Network Protocols Required (TCP/IP) for Data
Communication, Stored Procedures, Concept of Database Fragmentation and
Distributed Databases.
PL/SQL (Programming Language in SQL)
Importance of Writing Procedures, Declaring Variables: About PL/SQL, PL/SQL
Block Structure, Program Constructs, Use of Variables, Handling Variables in
PL/SQL, Types of Variables, Declaration, Naming Rules, Assigning Values to
Variables, Initialization, and Keywords, Scalar Data types, Base Scalar Data
Types, Scalar Variable Declaration, %TYPE attribute: for variable declaration,
Declaring Boolean Variables, PL/SQL Record Structure, Referencing Non-PL/SQL
variables, DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE; Writing Executable Statements: PL/SQL Block
Syntax and Guidelines, SQL functions in Code, SQL Functions in PL/SQL, PL/SQL
Functions, Data type Conversion, Nested Blocks and Variable Scope, Operators in
PL/SQL, Using Bind Variables, Programming Guidelines, Determining Variable
Scope, SQL Statements in PL/SQL, Retrieving data in PL/SQL, Manipulating Data
using PL/SQL, Inserting Data, Updating Data, Deleting Data, Naming Conventions,
Commit and Rollback Statements, SQL Cursor, and Cursor Attributes; Writing
Control Structures: Controlling PL/SQL Flow of Execution, IF statements,
IFTHENELSE Statement Execution Flow, IF-THEN-ELSIF Statement Execution Flow,
Building Logical Conditions, Logic Tables, Boolean Conditions, Iterative
Control: LOOP Statement, Basic Loop, FOR Loop, While Loop; Creating Procedures:
Overview of Procedures, Syntax for Creating Procedures, Developing Stored
Procedures and its Advantages, Creating a Stored Procedure, Procedure Parameter
Modes, Creating Procedures with Parameters, IN and OUT parameters and Usage,
DEFAULT Option for Parameters, Removing Stored Procedures; Writing Cursors:
Introduction to Cursors (Implicit and Explicit), Explicit Cursor Functions,
Controlling Explicit Cursors, Declaring, Opening and Closing the Cursor,
Fetching data from the Cursor, Explicit Cursor Attributes (%ISOPEN, %NOTFOUND, %ROWCOUNT),
controlling multiple fetches, Cursors and Records, Cursor FOR Loops, Cursor FOR
Loops using Sub Queries. Triggers: Types of Triggers: Row-Level Triggers,
Statement Level Triggers, BEFORE and AFTER Triggers, INSTEAD of Triggers, Valid
Trigger Type, Trigger Syntax, Combining Trigger Types, Enabling and Disabling
Trigger, Replacing Trigger, Dropping a Trigger.
Development of Data Base Applications (Application Domain): Student database for
school, Employee database for a company, Library Database for Library Student
database management system for school, Employee database management system for a
company, Library Database management system for Library, Railway Reservation
System, Hotel Reservation, Inventory Control System;