(Syllabus) CBSE Syllabus of Business Studies for Class 12 | March 2009 Examination

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Syllabus : CBSE Syllabus of Business Studies for Class 12 For March 2009 Examination

One Paper                  3 Hours                         100 Marks

Part A : Principles and Functions of Management 



1. Nature and Significance of Management


2. Principles of Management


3. Business Environment


4. Planning


5. Organizing


6. Staffing


7. Directing


8. Controlling




Part B: Business Finance and Marketing



9. Financial Management


10. Financial Markets


11. Marketing


12. Consumer Protection




Part A: Principles and Functions of Management
Unit I: Nature and significance of Management (Periods 14)

•Management - concept, objectives, importance
•Nature of management; Management as Science, Art, Profession.
•Levels of management - top, middle, supervisory (first level)
•Management functions - planning. organizing. staffing. directing and controlling
•Coordination - nature and importance
Unit 2: Principles of Management (Periods 14)
•Principles of Management - meaning, nature and significance
•Fayol’s principles of management
•Taylor’s Scientific Management - Principles and Techniques
Unit 3: Business Environment (Periods 10)

•Business Environment - meaning and importance
•Dimensions of Business Environment - Economic, Social, Technological, Political and Legal
•Economic Environment in India; Impact of Government policy changes on business and industry, with special reference to adoption of the policies of liberalization, privatization and globalisation
Unit 4: Planning (Periods 14)
•Meaning, features, importance, limitations
•Planning process
•Types of Plans - Objectives, Strategy, Policy, Procedure, Method, Rule, Budget, Programme.
Unit 5: Organising (Periods 16)
•Meaning and importance.
•Steps in the process of organising.
•Structure of organization - functional and divisional.
•Formal and informal organization.
•Delegation: meaning, elements and importance.
•Decentralization: meaning and importance.
•Difference bctween delegation and decentralization.
Unit 6: Staffing (Periods 16)
•Meaning, need and importance of staffing
•Staffing as a part of Human Resource Management
•Steps in staffing process
•Recruitment - meaning and sources
•Selection - meaning and process
•Training and Development - meaning and need. Methods of training : job rotation, apprenticeship, vestibule and internship.
Unit 7: Directing (Periods 22)
•Meaning, importance and principles
•Elements of Directing
- Supervision - meaning and importance
- Motivation - meaning and importance, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; Financial and non-financial incentives.
- Leadership - meaning, importance; qualities of a good leader
- Communication - meaning and importance, formal and informal communication; barriers to effective communication.
Unit 8: Controlling (Periods 14)
•Meaning and importance
•Relationship between planning and controlling
•Steps in the process of control
•Techniques of controlling : budgetary control,

Part B : Business Finance and Marketing
Unit 9: Financial Management (Periods 22)

•Meaning, role, objectives of financial management
•Financial planning - meaning and importance;
•Capital Structure - meaning and factors
•Fixed and Working Capital -Meaning and factors affecting its requirements.
Unit 10: Financial Markets (Periods 20)
•Concept of Financial Market: Money Market- nature, instruments.
•Capital market: nature and types - primary and secondary market.
•Distinction between capital market and money market.
•Stock Exchange - meaning, functions, NSEl, OCTEI, Trading Procedure.
•Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)- Objectives, Functions.
Unit 11: Marketing (Periods 30)
•Marketing - meaning, functions and role
•Distinction between marketing and selling
•Marketing mix - concept and elements
- Product - nature, classification, branding, labeling and packaging
- Physical distribution: meaning, role; Channels of distribution -meaning, types, factors determining choice of channels.
- Promotion - meaning and role, promotion mix, Role of Advertising and personal selling; objections to Advertising
- Price: factors influencing pricing

Unit 12: Consumer Protection (Periods 16)
•Importance of consumer protection
•Consumer rights
•Consumer responsibilities
•Ways and means of consumer protection - Consumer awareness and legal redressal with special reference to Consumer Protection Act.
•Role of consumer organizations and NGOs.

(Class 12th) Other Syllabus :-