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(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2000

(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2000

Exam Name : RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper

Subject : Mathematics

Year : 2000


(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2001

(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2001

Exam Name : RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper

Subject : Mathematics

Year : 2001


(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2002

(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2002

Exam Name : RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper

Subject : Mathematics

Year : 2002


(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2003

(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2003

Exam Name : RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper

Subject : Mathematics

Year : 2003


(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2004

(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2004

Exam Name : RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper

Subject : Mathematics

Year : 2004


(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2005

(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2005

Exam Name : RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper

Subject : Mathematics

Year : 2005


(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2006

(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2006

Exam Name : RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper

Subject : Mathematics

Year : 2006


(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2007

(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2007

Exam Name : RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper

Subject : Mathematics

Year : 2007


(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2008

(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2008

Exam Name : RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper

Subject : Mathematics

Year : 2008


(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2010

(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2010

Exam Name : RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper

Subject : Mathematics

Year : 2010


(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2011

(Download) RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper - 2011

Exam Name : RMO Mathematics Olympiad Solved Paper

Subject : Mathematics

Year : 2011


(Result) CBSE - Class X Examination Result 2018

(Result) CBSE - Class X Examination Result 2018

Exam Name: CBSE

Class: 10th

Year: 2018

Date of Result Declaration : 29th May, 2018

CBSE Special TX: 
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(VIDEO) Meet CBSE 2018 Exam Class XII Topper - Meghna Srivastava

(VIDEO) Meet CBSE 2018 Exam Class XII Topper - Meghna Srivastava

  • Meet CBSE 2018 Exam Class XII Topper - Meghna Srivastava

Courtesy: CBSE

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(Result) CBSE - Class XII Examination Result 2018

(Result) CBSE - Class XII Examination Result 2018

Exam Name: CBSE

Class: 12th

Year: 2018

Date of Result Declaration : 26th May, 2018

CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-11 Syllabus 2018-19 (Hindi Elective)


CBSE Class-11 Syllabus 2018-19 (Hindi Elective)

प्रस्तावना :

उच्चतर माध्यमिक स्तर में प्रवेश लेने वाला विद्यार्थी पहली बार सामान्य मशक्षा से ववशेष अनुशासन की मशक्षा की ओर उन्मुख होता है। दस वषों में विद्यार्थी भाषा के कौशलों से पररचचत हो जाता है। भाषा और साहहत्य के स्तर पर उसका दायरा अब घर, पास-पडोस, स्कूल, प्राांत और देश से होता हुआ धीरे-धीरे ववश्व तक फैल जाता है। वह इस उम्र में पहुुँच चुका है कक देश की साांस्कृततक, सामाजजक, राजनीततक और आचर्थिक समस्याओां पर विचार -ववमश ि कर सके , एक जज म्मेदार नागररक की तरह अपनी जज म्मदे ाररयों को समझ सके तर्था देश और खुद को सही हदशा दे सकने में भाषा की ताकत को पहचान सके। ऐसे दृढ़ भावषक और वैचाररक आधार के सार्थ जब विद्यार्थी आता है तो उसे ववमशि की भाषा के रूप में हहांदी की व्यापक समझ और प्रयोग में दक्ष बनाना सबसे पहला उद् देश्य होगा। ककशोरावस्र्था से युवावस्र्था के इस नाजुक मोड पर ककसी भी ववषय का चुनाव करते समय बच्चे और उनके अमभभावक इस बात को लेकर सबसे अचधक चचतां तत रहत े हैं कक चयतनत ववषय उनके भावी कै ररयर और जीववका के अवसरों में मदद करेगा कक नहीां। इस उम्र के ववद्याचर्थयि ों में चचतां न और तनर्िय करने की प्रवृजत्त भी प्रबल होती है। इसी आधार पर वे अपने मानमसक, सामाजजक, बौद् चधक और भावषक ववकास के प्रतत भी सचेत होते हैं और अपने भावी अध्ययन की हदशा तय करते हैं। इस स्तर पर ऐजच्िक हहांदी का अध्ययन एक सृजनात्मक, साहहजत्यक, साांस्कृततक और ववमभन्न प्रयुजततयों की भाषा के रूप में होगा। इस बात पर भी बल हदया जाएगा कक तनरांतर ववकमसत होती हहांदी के
अखखल भारतीय स्वरूप से बच्चे का ररश्ता बन सके।

इस स्तर पर ववद्याचर्थियों में भाषा के मलखखत प्रयोग के सार्थ-सार्थ उसके मौखखक प्रयोग की कुशलता और दक्षता का ववकास भी जरूरी है। प्रयास यह भी होगा कक विद्यार्थी अपने बबखरे हुए विचार ों और भावों की सहज और मौमलक अमभव्यजतत की क्षमता हामसल कर सके।

इस पाठ्यक्रम के अध्ययन से :

1. विद्यार्थी अपनी रुचच और आवश्यकता के अनुरूप साहहत्य का गहन और ववशेष अध्ययन जारी रख सकें गे।
2. ववश्वववद्यालय स्तर पर तनधािररत हहांदी-साहहत्य से सांबांचधत पाठ्यक्रम के सार्थ सहज सांबांध स्र्थावपत कर सकें गे।
3. लेखन-कौशल के व्यावहाररक और सृजनात्मक रूपों की अमभव्यजतत में सक्षम हो सकें गे।
4. रोजगार के ककसी भी क्षेत्र में जाने पर भाषा का प्रयोग प्रभावी ढांग से कर सकें गे।
5 यह पाठ्यक्रम विद्यार्थी को सांचार तर्था प्रकाशन जैसे ववमभन्न-क्षेत्रों में अपनी क्षमता व्यतत करने का अवसर प्रदान कर सकता है।

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Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-11 Syllabus 2018-19 (Hindi Core)


CBSE Class-11 Syllabus 2018-19 (Hindi Core)

प्रस्तावना :

दसवीं  कक्षा तक हिंदी का अध्ययन करने वाला विद्यार्थी समझते हुए पढ़ने व सुनने के साथ-साथ हिंदी में सोचने और उसे मौखिक एवं लिखित रूप में व्यक्त कर पाने की सामान्य दक्षता अर्जित कर चुका होता है। उच्चतर माध्यमिक स्तर पर आने के बाद इन सभ दक्षताओीं को सामान्य से ऊपर उस स्तर तक ले जाने की आवश्यकता होत है, जहााँ भाषा का प्रयोग भिन्न-भिन्न व्यवहार-क्षेत्रों की माींगों के अनुरूप ककया जा सके। आधार पाठ्यक्रम, साहहर्ययक बोध के साथ-साथ भाषाई दक्षता के विकास को ज्यादा महययव देता है। यह पाठ्यक्रम उन विद्यार्थियों के ललए उपयोग साबबत होगा, जो आगे ववश्वववद्यालय में अध्ययन करते हुए हिंदी को एक ववषय के रूप में पढ़ेंगे या ववज्ञान/सामार्जक ववज्ञान के ककस ववषय को हिंदी माध्यम से पढ़ना चाहेंगे। यह उनके ललए भ उपयोग साबबत होगा, जो उच्चतर माध्यमिक स्तर की लिक्षा के बाद ककस तरह के रोजगार में लग जाएींगे। वहााँ कामकाज हिंदी का आधारभूत अध्ययन काम आएगा। र्जन विद्यार्थियों की रुर्च जनसींचार माध्यमों में होग , उनके ललए यह पाठ्यक्रम एक आरींलभक पृष्ठभूलम ननलमित करेगा। इसके साथ ही यह पाठ्यक्रम सामान्य रूप से तरह-तरह के साहहयय के साथ विद्यार्थियों के सींबींध को सहज बनाएगा। विद्यार्थी भावषक अलभव्यर्क्त के सूक्ष्म एवं जहिल रूपों से पररर्चत हो सकें गे। वे यर्थार्थि को अपने विचारो में व्यवर्स्र्थत करने के साधन के तौर पर भाषा का अर्धक साथिक उपयोग कर पाएाँगे और उनमें जीवन के प्रनत मानव य सींवेदना एवं सम्यक् दृष्टि का विकास हो सकेगा।

उद् देश्य :

  • इन माध्यमों और ववधाओीं के ललए उपयुक्त भाषा प्रयोग की इतन क्षमता उनमें आ
  • चुकी होग कक वे स्वयीं इससे जुडे उच्चतर पाठ्यक्रमों को समझ सकें गे।
  • सामार्जक हहींसा की भावषक अलभव्यर्क्त की समझ।
  • भाषा के अींदर सकक्रय सयता सींबींध की समझ।
  • सृजनायमक साहहयय को सराह पाने और उसका आनींद उठाने की क्षमता का विकास तर्था भाषा में सौंदयाियमकता उयपन्न करने वाली सृजनायमक युर्क्तयों की सींवेदना का विकास।
  • विद्यार्थियों के भीतर सभ प्रकार की विविधताओं (धम, जाति , लिंग , क्षेत्र एवं भाषा सींबींध ) के प्रनत सकारायमक एवं वववेकपूर्ि रवैये का विकास।
  • पठन-सामग्र को भिन्न-भिन्न कोरो से अलग-अलग सामार्जक, साींस्कृ नतक र्चतीं ाओीं के पररप्रेक्ष्य में देिने का अभ्यास कराना तर्था दृष्टि कोर् की एकाींर्गकता के प्रनत
  • आलोचनायमक दृष्टि का विकास करना।

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Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-11 Syllabus 2018-19 (English Elective)


CBSE Class-11 Syllabus 2018-19 (English Elective)



The course is intended to give students a high level of competence in English with an emphasis on the study of literary texts. The course will provide extensive exposure to a variety of rich texts of world literature as well as Indian writings in English, including classics; develop sensitivity to the creative and imaginative use of English and give them a taste for reading with delight and discernment. The course is primarily designed to equip the students to pursue higher studies in English literature and English language at the college level.


The general objectives at this stage are:

i) to provide extensive exposure to a variety of writings in English, including some classics to develop sensitivity to literary and creative uses of the language.
ii) to further expand the learners' vocabulary resources through the use of dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopaedia.
iii) to develop a taste for reading with discernment and delight.
iv) to critically examine a text and comment on different aspects.
v) to develop proficiency in English both in receptive and productive skills.
At the end of this course, the learner
i) grasps the global meaning of the text, its gist and understands how its theme and sub-themes relate.
ii) relates to the details provided in the text, for example, how the details support a generalization or the conclusion either by classification or by contrast and comparison.
iii) comprehends details, locates and identifies facts, arguments, logical relationships, generalization, conclusion, in the texts.
iv) draws inferences, supplies missing details, predicts outcomes, grasps the significance of particular details and interprets texts.
v) assesses and analyzes the point of view of the author.
vi) infers the meanings of words and phrases from the context; differentiates between apparent synonyms.
vii) appreciates stylistic nuances, the lexical structure; its literal and figurative uses and analyses a variety of texts.
viii) identifies different styles of writing like humorous, satirical, contemplative, ironical and burlesque.
ix) can produce text-based writing (writing in response to questions or tasks based on prescribed as well as 'unseen' texts)
x) develops the advanced skills of reasoning, inferring, analysing, evaluating and creating.
xi) develops familiarity with the poetic uses of language including features of the language through which artistic effect is achieved.

Methods and Techniques

The techniques used for teaching should promote habits of self-learning and reduce dependence on the teacher. The multi-skill, learner-centred, activity-based approach already recommended for the previous stages of education, is still in place, though it will be used in such a way that silent reading of prescribed selected texts for comprehension will receive greater focus as one of the activities. Learners will be trained to read independently and intelligently, interacting actively with texts and other reference materials (dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, etc.) where necessary. Some pre-reading activity will generally be required, and course books suggest those activities. The reading of texts should be followed by post reading activities. It is important to remember that every text can generate different reading strategies. Students should be encouraged to interpret texts in different ways, understand the views of others and present their views on a literary text. Some projects may be assigned to students from time to time, for instance, students may be asked to put together a few literary pieces on a given theme.

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Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-11 Syllabus 2018-19 (English Core)


CBSE Class-11 Syllabus 2018-19 (English Core)


Students are expected to have acquired a reasonable degree of language proficiency in English by the time they come to class XI, and the course will aim, essentially, at promoting the higher-order language skills. For a large number of students, the higher secondary stage will be a preparation for the university, where a fairly high degree of proficiency in English may be required. But for another large group, the higher secondary stage may be a preparation for entry into the world of work. The Core Course should cater to both groups by promoting the language skills required for academic study as well as the language skills required for the workplace.


The general objectives at this stage are:

to listen and comprehend live as well as record in writing oral presentations on a variety of topics

to develop greater confidence and proficiency in the use of language skills necessary for social and academic purpose to participate in group discussions, interviews by making short oral presentation on given topics to perceive the overall meaning and organisation of the text (i.e., the relationships of the different "chunks" in the text to each other

to identify the central/main point and supporting details, etc.,

to build communicative competence in various registers of English to promote advanced language skills with an aim to develop the skills of reasoning, drawing inferences, etc. through meaningful activities to translate texts from mother tongue(s) into English and vice versa

to develop ability and knowledge required in order to engage in independent reflection and enquiry At the end of this stage learners will be able to do the following: read and comprehend extended texts (prescribed and non-prescribed) in the following genres: science fiction, drama, poetry, biography, autobiography, travel and sports literature, etc. text-based writing (i.e., writing in response to questions or tasks based on prescribed or unseen texts) understand and respond to lectures, speeches, etc. write expository / argumentative essays, explaining or developing a topic, arguing a case, etc. write formal/informal letters and applications for different purposes write items related

to the workplace (minutes, memoranda, notices, summaries, reports etc. filling up of forms, preparing CV, e-mail messages., making notes from reference materials, recorded talks etc. The core course should draw upon the language items suggested for class IX-X and delve deeper into their usage and functions. Particular attention may, however, be given to the following areas of grammar:
The use of passive forms in scientific and innovative writings.

Converting one kind of sentence/clause into a different kind of structure as well as other items to exemplify stylistic variations in different discourses modal auxiliaries-uses based on semantic considerations.

Specific Objectives of Reading

Students are expected to develop the following study skills:
refer to dictionaries, encyclopaedia, thesaurus and academic reference material select and extract relevant information, using reading skills of skimming and scanning
understand the writer's attitude and bias comprehend the difference between what is said and what is implied understand the language of propaganda and persuasion
differentiate between claims and realities, facts and opinions form business opinions on the basis of latest trends available comprehend technical language as required in computer related fields arrive at personal conclusion and comment on a given text specifically develop the ability to be original and creative in interpreting opinion develop the ability to be logically persuasive in defending one's opinion making notes based on a text Develop literary skills as enumerated below:

personally respond to literary texts appreciate and analyse special features of languages that differentiate literary texts from non-literary ones explore and evaluate features of character, plot, setting, etc. understand and appreciate the oral, mobile and visual elements of drama identify the elements of style such as humour, pathos, satire and irony, etc. make notes from various resources for the purpose of developing the extracted ideas into sustained pieces of writing

Listening and Speaking

Speaking needs a very strong emphasis and is an important objective leading to professional competence. Hence, testing of oral skills must be made an important component of the overall testing pattern. To this end, speaking and listening skills are overtly built into the material to guide the teachers in actualization of the skills.

Specific Objectives of Listening

Students are expected to develop the ability:
to listen to lectures and talks and to be able to extract relevant and useful information for a specific purpose.
to listen to news bulletins and to develop the ability to discuss informally on a wide ranging issues like current national and international affairs, sports, business, etc.
to respond in interviews and to participate in formal group discussions.
to make enquiries meaningfully and adequately and to respond to enquiries for the purpose of travelling within the country and abroad

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Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-11 (XI) 


CBSE Class-11 (XI) 

Exam / Class: 


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