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(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (Gujrati)

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (Gujrati)

Time allowed:3 hours

Maximum Marks: 90

General Instructions:

(i) The question paper is divided into four sections:

Section A- Reading Comprehension 15
Section B- Writing 10
Section C- Grammar 20
Section D- Literature (text book) 45

Total Marks 90

ii) Marks are indicated against each question.
iii) All question are compulsory.

SECTION A- Reading Comprehension

CBSE Special TX: 

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme (Japanese)

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme (Japanese)

Maximum Marks : 90

Time : 3 hours.

SYLLABUS : LESSON 14-25 みんなの日本語 – I, Kanji 61-110

The question paper is divided into four sections.

Section A : Reading comprehension 20 marks
Section B : Writing 20 marks
Section C : Grammar 25 marks
Section D : Script 25 marks

General instructions:

1. All questions are compulsory
2. You may attempt any section at a time
3. All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the correct order
4 Please write the essays in the genkoyoushi attached



Q1.どっかい (20)

A)Please read the passage given below and answer the following questions .

Rules at a sports club:

1. まいあさ 6じから プールで およぐ ことが できます。 かようびは やすみです。

2. サウナ(sauna)が ありません。

3. げつようびから きんようびまで あさ 7じから シャワ ーを あびる ことが できます。
どようびと にちようび は 8じからです。

4. かようびと どようびに テニスを ならう ことが でき ます。

5. ジム(gym) を つかう ことも できます。

6. きっさてんが あります。
サンドイッチと のみものを うっています。

7. きっさてんで おべんとうを たべる ことが できません。

8. ちゅうしゃじょうが ありません。


1. いつ シャワーを あびる ことが できますか。
げつようびから きんようびまで あさ 7じから シャ ワーを あびる ことが できます。
どようびと にちよ うびは 8じからです。

2. いつ テニスを ならう ことが できますか。
かようびと どようびに テニスを ならう ことが で きます。

3. きっさてんに なにが ありますか。。
きっさてんで サンドイッチと のみものがあります。

4. まいあさ なんじから プールで およぐ ことが できますか。
まいあさ 6じから プールで およぐ ことが できます。
かようびは やすみです。

5. どうして くるまを とめる ことが できませんか。

ちゅうしゃじょうが ありませんから くるまを とめる ことができません

B)Please read the following passage and answer the questions given below in


わたしは アランです。おおさかに すんでいる フランス人です。日本人の ともだち や かいしゃの 人と いつも にほんごで はなします。でも、デパートやレストラン では みせの 人は わたしを みると、えいごで はなします。

わたしは にほんごで しつもんしますが、みせの ひとは えいごで こたえます。と きどき、みせの 人が はなす えいごが わかりませんから 、「ちょっと わかりませ ん」とにほんごでいうと、またえいごでいっしょうけんめいはなしてくれます。

CBSE Special TX: 

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (German)

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (German)

Time allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 90

Sektion- A

1. Fasse den folgenden Text auf Englisch zusammen! Individual answers (Students need not translate it word for word. A summary of the text in English is required. Please do not deduct any marks for the English text being too long or too short. If the student has covered the main points marks should be awarded.)

2. Lies den Text und beantworte die Fragen ! 10 Beantworte die Fragen:

a. Sally
b. nach Lübeck
c. 7,80 € für alle , d.h. für fünf Leute- Sally,Sabine, Klaus und zwei Freunde.
d. Nichts. Es ist kostenlos.
e. Nein, an der Haltestelle.
Finde Synonyme aus dem Text:
f. kostenlos
g. Ausflug

Bilde Sätze:
h. Individual answers
i. …
j. …

3. Lies den Text und beantworte die Fragen !

Richtig oder Falsch
a. Richtig
b. Falsch
c. Falsch
d. Richtig
e. Falsch
f. Richtig
g. Falsch
h. Falsch
i. Falsch
j. Falsch

4. Schreib eine E-Mail !
Individual answers

Sektion- B

5. Ergänze die richtigen Partizipien! Berta Müller hat es geschafft. Angefangen hat das alles mit einem Praktikum bei der „Stadtzeitung“. In den sechs Wochen bei der „Stadtzeitung“ hat sie _gesehen___ , dass das ihr Traumberuf ist. Deshalb hat sie mit dem Studium _aufgehört_.Sie erzählt heute: „In den ersten Jahren habe ich sehr wenig_verdient__. Meine Eltern haben mir __geholfen_. Nachdem ich einen festen Vertrag bei einer amerikanischen Zeitschrift unterschrieben habe, habe ich mich wirklich selbstständig und frei _gefühlt___ . Die Arbeit hat mir Spaß __gemacht__ . Ich habe meistens über die Popkonzerte, die Stars und ihre neuen CDs _geschrieben_. Da ist immer so viel Interessantes und Neues _passiert__ . Das habe ich faszinierend _gefunden__. Vielleicht lesen wir morgen wieder einen Artikel von Berta Müller in der Zeitung.

6. Ergänze die richtige Passivform! 5

a. Wann __wird_____ das Oktoberfest ___gefeiert____ ?
b. Bei der Party __ wird _____ laute Musik _gespielt__ .
c. Die Sätze __werden___ von den Schülern _abgeschrieben__ .
d. Heutzutage __ wird ____ Radio kaum __gehört___ .
e. Die Maschinen __ werden ___ erst am Montag _repariert__.
7. Schreib die richtigen Endungen! 10
a. Man muss die richtige_ Antwort ankreuzen.
b. Ich habe die Prüfung mit einer guten_ Note bestanden.
c. Die Studentinnen suchen ein billiges____ Zimmer.
d. Auf dem Flohmarkt kann man auch alte____ Bücher kaufen.
e. Tina will sich über die Sommermode informieren, weil sie sich ein neues_ Kleid kaufen will.
f. Familie Weber wohnt in einem Haus mit einem großen_ Garten.
g. Susanne Meyer arbeitet bei der „Stadtzeitung“ und interviewt berühmte____ Leute.
h. Gestern war ich mit meiner Freundin Lea in der Stadt. Wir haben eine schicke_ Hose gekauft.
i. Am Sonntag haben wir einen sehr interessanten__Film gesehen.
j. Gestern habe ich meinen neuen__Freund zum ersten Mal mit nach Hause gebracht.

8. Schreib die richtige Antwort! ( auf ; über ; auf ; auf ; an ; um ; an ; mit ; für ; mit)

a. _Für______Fußball interessiere ich mich gar nicht.
b. Ich ärgere mich sehr __über____ diese dumme Geschichte.
c. Bist du __mit____ der Idee einverstanden?- Ja, diese Idee finde ich toll.
d. Robert freut sich sehr__auf___ den Besuch seiner Tante.
e. Kennst du den Jungen dort?- Ja, aber ich kann mich nicht mehr__an_____ seinen Namen erinnern.
f. Ich bin am Wochenende weg. Kannst du bitte __auf____ meine Katze aufpassen.
g. Eduard möchte __an__ einem Englischkurs teilnehmen.
h. Ich fahre __mit___ der Straßenbahn zur Arbeit.
i. Ich warte schon seit über einer Stunde __auf____ dich.
j. Ich wollte dich ___um____ Hilfe bitten.

9. Was passt zusammen! (weil ; wenn ; dass)

a. Er hat so lange im Auto gewartet, __dass____er schließlich eingeschlafen ist.
b. Ich kann heute nicht ins Büro kommen, __weil___ ich Fieber habe.
c. __Wenn___ du Fragen hast, kannst du mich anrufen.
d. Wir haben zwei Stunden lang auf dem Flughafen gewartet, __weil___ die Maschine Verspätung hatte.
e. ___Wenn____ Sie an der Reise im April teilnehmen wollen, müssen Sie unbedingt schon Anfang März buchen.

Sektion- C

10. Ergänze den folgenden Text anhand der angegebenen Wörter! ( vermietet ; kostet ; Anzeige ; interessiere ; frei ) Wohnungssuche im Hamburg

  • Traumhaus Immobilien, Müller ,Guten Tag.
  • Guten Tag, ich habe Ihre__Anzeige_ in der Tageszeitung gelesen, ich _interessiere_ mich für die Zwei-Zimmer-Wohnung, ist die Wohnung noch _frei__ ?
  • Tut mir leid, die ist schon _vermietet_, aber ich habe noch eine andere 2 ½ -Zimmer-Wohnung in Altona.
  • Ja, das kommt auch infrage, was __kostet___ die?
  • Die Kaltmiete ist 380 €.

11. Lies den Text und beantworte die Fragen!

a. über das Fernsehprogramm
b. Nein
c. Nein
d. Individual answers

CBSE Special TX: 

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (Bahasa Melayu)

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (Bahasa Melayu)

Bahasa Melayu

Markah : 90

Masa : 3 jam


1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi empat bahagian, iaitu Bahagian A, Bahagian B, Bahagian C, dan Bahagian D.

2. Bahagian A terdiri daripada Soalan 1 yang mengandungi empat bahagian, iaitu (i), (ii), (iii), dan (iv). Anda diwajibkan menjawab ke semua bahagian tersebut.

3. Bahagian B terdiri daripada Soalan 2 yang mengandungi tiga bahagian, iaitu (i), (ii), dan (iii). Anda diwajibkan menjawab ke semua bahagian tersebut.

4. Bahagian C terdiri daripada Soalan 3, Soalan 4, dan Soalan 5 yang mengandungi 25 soalan tatabahasa berbentuk objektif. Jawab semua soalan.

5. Bahagian D terdiri daripada Soalan 6 dan Soalan 7 yang mengandungi dua soalan KOMSAS berbentuk objektif dan Soalan 8 dan Soalan 9 mengandungi dua soalan KOMSAS berbentuk subjektif. Anda dikehendaki menjawab semua soalan.

6. Anda dinasihatkan supaya mengambil masa untuk menjawab soalan Bahagian A (50 minit), Bahagian B (40 minit), Bahagian C (40 minit), dan Bahagian D (30 minit).

7. Anda dikehendaki menulis jawapan dalam kertas jawapan yang telah disediakan.

8. Anda diberi masa 15 minit untuk membaca kertas soalan. Anda tidak dibenarkan menulis atau membuat sebarang catatan dalam tempoh tersebut.

9. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 16 muka surat sahaja.

Bahagian A

[20 Markah]


(i) Baca rencana di bawah dengan teliti, kemudian jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Malaysia mempunyai 14 buah negeri. Sembilan buah negeri telah mengamalkan sistem pemerintahan beraja, manakala lima buah negeri lagi tidak mengamalkan sistem pemerintahan beraja. Almarhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail merupakan Raja Melayu yang paling lama memerintah. Baginda dilahirkan pada 25 November 1920 dan merupakan Raja Perlis yang kelima. Pada 4 Disember 1945, baginda telah ditabalkan menjadi Raja Perlis dan sekali gus menjadi pemerintah negeri tersebut. Selama 55 tahun negeri Perlis berada di bawah pemerintahan beliau. Pada tahun 1955, baginda telah menyambut Jubli emas pemerintahannya dan dipercayai bahawa baginda merupakan raja yang paling lama memerintah sesebuah negeri di dunia.

Baginda mendapat pendidikan awal di Sekolah Menengah Arau, Perlis dan telah melanjutkan pelajaran di Penang Free School, Pulau Pinang. Pada tahun 1940, baginda telah dilantik menjadi Majistret di Kangar dan pada tahun 1941 baginda telah ditukarkan ke Kuala Lumpur. Selepas Perang Dunia Kedua tamat, baginda telah ditabalkan sebagai Raja Perlis bagi menggantikan ayahandanya yang telah mangkat.

Baginda sangat mengambil berat akan pendidikan anak-anak negeri Perlis. Banyak sumbangan yang telah disalurkan oleh baginda dalam melihat kemajuan dalam bidang pendidikan. Oleh itu, baginda telah mengambil inisiatif dengan menubuhkan “Tabung Derma Pelajaran Negeri Perlis” sehingga tertubuhnya Sekolah Inggeris Derma. Sekolah ini merupakan sekolah Inggeris yang pertama di negeri Perlis.

Pada tahun 1960, baginda telah dipilih oleh Majlis Raja-raja Melayu sebagai Yang di-Pertua Agong Ketiga. Apabila Persekutuan Tanah Melayu berubah menjadi Persekutuan Malaysia pada 16 September 1963, baginda dan permaisurinya, Tuanku Budriah menjadi yang di-Pertua Agong serta Raja Permaisuri Agong Malaysia yang pertama.

1. Siapakah Almarhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail?

A. Raja negeri Perlis.
B. Raja negeri Perak.
C. Raja negeri Sabah.
D. Raja negeri Sarawak.

CBSE Special TX: 

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (Bhutia)

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (Bhutia)

  • Time allowed: 3 hours

  • Maximum MARKS: 90

The Question Paper will be divided in to four sections:

Section A: Reading comprehensive: 10 Marks

Section B: (i) Essay Writing: 08 Marks
(ii) Letter writing: 07 Marks
(iii) Translation: 05 Marks

Section C: Applied Grammar: 15 Marks

Section D: Literature : 45 marks

Scheme of Section and Weightage to content :


CBSE Special TX: 

(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme (English Elective NCERT)

(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme (English Elective NCERT)

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Marks: 100

General instructions:

1. Question nos. 1-4 are compulsory
2. Attempt either Question 5 or 6
3. Your answer should be to the point. Adhere to the word limit given.



Q.1 a) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

1. The most spectacular and in many ways the most fundamental social change that the Gandhian movement effected in India is in respect of the position of women. Undoubtedly, women in ancient India enjoyed a much higher status than their descendents in the 18th and 19th century. From the earliest days, there have been many notable women in India – poets, scholars, administrators, social reformers and leaders of various movements. In fact, the 18th century produced women like Ahalyabai Holkar whose administration of Indore state was considered a model for all of India.

2. Today’s woman is a highly self directed person, a life to the sense of her dignity and the importance of her functions in the private domestic domain and the public domain of the world of work. It has been brought to light across the globe that no enduring solution of society’s most threatening social, economic, environmental and political problems could be found without the participation and empowerment of women. The 1995 World Summit for Social Development had also emphasized the pivotal role of women in eradicating poverty and mending the social fabric. The Constitution of India had conferred on women equal rights and opportunities – political, social, educational and of employment. However, oppressive traditions, superstitions, exploitations and stereo typed mind sets keep them away from enjoying the rights and opportunities bestowed on them. One of the major reasons is the lack of literacy and awareness among women. Education is the main instrument through which we can narrow down the prevailing inequality and accelerate the process of economic and political change in the status of women.

3. The role of women in a society is very important. Women’s education is the key to a better life in the future. A World Bank study says that educating girls is not a charity; it is good economics. The report also goes on to state that the economic and social returns on investments in education for the girls are substantial and probably greater than those for boys. As the female population forms nearly half of the national population, the poor performance on the front of female literacy considerably affects the human development index of the nation. Society would progress only if the status of women is respected and the presence of an educated woman in the family would ensure education of the family itself. Hence, education and empowerment of women are closely related.

CBSE Special TX: 

(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme (Engineering Graphics)

(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme (Engineering Graphics)

Time allowed: 3 hours

Maximum marks: 70


i. Attempt all the questions.
ii. Use both sides of the drawing sheet, if necessary.
iii. All dimensions are in millimetres.
iv. Missing and mismatching dimensions, if any, may be suitably assumed.
v. Follow the SP: 46-2003 revised codes (with first angle  method of projection).
vi. In no view of question2, are hidden edges or lines required.
vii. In question 4, hidden edges or lines are to be shown in views without section.
viii. Number your answers according to questions.

Q.1 Answer the following Multiple Choice Questions. Print the correct choice on your drawing sheet 5 X 1=5

(i) What is the angle in degree between the main scale and isometric scale  in the construction of isometric scale?

a) 300
b) 150
c) 45o
d) 90o

(ii) Which is the modified form of square thread?

a) V-thread
b) Metric thread
c) Knuckle thread
d) B.S.W thread

(iii) What is the width of the Rectangular Sunk Key, if the diameter of the shaft is D?

a) D/2
b) D/8
c) D/4
d) D/6

(iv) Name the joint used for joining two pipes

a) Flanged pipe joint
b) Bushed bearing
c) Turn buckle
d) Cotter joint

(v)Name the portion between the rim and the hub of a cast iron pulley

CBSE Special TX: 

(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper (Manipuri)

(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper (Manipuri)

hrs. Total Marks – 30

One Theory Paper – 3 hrs.

Total Marks – 30

General instructions:

  • Attempt any six questions.
  • Each question carries equal marks.
  • Please write down the serial number of the question before attempting it.

1. Why Bharata wrote Natya Shastra? What was the occasion? When it was performed and who were the performer?

2. Name one of the most popular Sanskrit books of poems used in almost all the classical dances of India. Give an example of Manipuri dance.

3. What is Vasant Ras Leela of Manipuri? Explain the basic theme of their leela?

4. What kind of dance is used in the Manipuri Mala Sankeitan? Explain in detail.

5. What is the basic characteristic of Manipuri dance movements and stances?

6. Name the musical instruments traditionally used in Manipuri dance explain their specific use with examples.

7. Explain in detail the costumes of Radha and Krishna in Manipuri dance.

CBSE Special TX: 

(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme (Economics)

(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme (Economics)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100


1. All questions in both sections are compulsory. However, there is internal choice in some questions.
2. Marks for questions are indicated against each question.
3. Question No.1-5 and 16-20 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each. They are required to be answered in one sentence.
4. Question No.6-8 and 21-23 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answers to them should not normally exceed 60 words each.
5. Question No.9-11 and 24-26 are also short answer questions carrying 4 marks each.
Answers to them should not normally exceed 70 words each.
6. Question No.12-15 and 27-30 are long answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answers to them should not normally exceed 100 words each
7. Answers should be brief and to the point and the above word limit be adhered to as far as possible.

Section A: Microeconomics

1. When is a consumer said to be rational? (1)

2. Define normative economics, with a suitable example. (1)

3. State the meaning of `quantity demanded of a commodity`. (1)

4. If a firm’s production department data says that the total variable cost for producing 8 units and 10 units of output is 2,500 and 3,000 respectively, marginal cost of 10th unit will be
a. 100
b. 150
c. 500
d. 250

5. State any one assumption for the construction of the curve that shows the possibilities of potential production of two goods in an economy. (1)

6. State the behavior of Marginal Physical Product, under Returns to a Factor. (3)

7. Using appropriate schedules, briefly describe the determination of market equilibrium. (3)

8. “In a hypothetical market of mobile phones, the brand AWAAZ was leading the market share. Its nearest competitor VAARTA suddenly changed its strategy by bringing in a new model of the mobile phone at a relatively lesser price. In response, AWAAZ too slashed its price.”

Based on the above information, identify the form of market represented and discuss any one feature of the market.


CBSE Special TX: 

(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper (Bharatanatyam)

(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper (Bharatanatyam)

hrs. Total Marks – 30

General instructions:

  • Please write down the serial number of the question before attempting it.

1. Describe in brief the history and repertoire of Kuchipudi. Mention two items from the repertoire that are similar in name in the Bharatanatyam recital. 4+1

2. Give a brief account of the life history and the contribution of one of the following:
a. Rukmini Devi Arundale
b. Tanjore Quartet

3. Which chapter of the Abhinaya Darpan deal with gestures of the hand and feet? Name the slokas relating to pre-performance preparation. 2+3

4. Give short notes on the following: 2½ + 2½
a. Lokadharmi and Natyadharmi
b. Sancharibhava and Sthayibhava

5. Write the definitions of the following: 1+1+1+1+1
a. Korvai
b. Shollu
c. Jaati
d. Taalanga
e. Arangetram

6. Write a korvai of two avartanam in Aditalam using adavu syllables.

CBSE Special TX: 

(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper (Odissi)

(Download) CBSE Class-12 2016-17 Sample Paper (Odissi)

One Theory Paper – 3 hrs.

Total Marks – 30

General instructions:

  • Please write down the serial number of the question before attempting it.

  • Each question carries equal marks.

1. Name all the nine Rasas. Write short notes on any four Rasas. 5

2. Write short notes on Aharya of Odissi. 5

3. What is the difference between Tandav and Lasya and Lokdharmi and Natyadharmi. 5

4. Describe the four aspects of Abhinay. 5
a. Angika
b. Vacchika
c. Aharya
d. Sattvik

5. Write a brief history of Oddissi Dance with reference to archeological evidences. 5

6. Write notation of learnt item Battu or Sthayi. 5


What do you know about Chhau Dance. Describe the three styles of Chhau Dance.

a. Mauyurbhanj
b. Scraikella
c. Purulia

Click Here To Download Full Sample Paper

CBSE Special TX: 

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper Hindustani Music (Vocal)

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper  Hindustani Music (Vocal)

Time allowed: 02 hours

Maximum Marks: 15


  • Attempt all questions.

1. Describe the origin of Dhrupad.

2. Define any two of the following:
Meend, Khatka, Murki.

3. Give brief life sketch of any one of the following along with their contribution to Hindustani Music:
Tansen, Sadarang

4. Describe Raga Durga and elaborate upto 50 Swras.


Write a Drut Khayal in notation along with 2 tanas from any of the prescribed Ragas.

5. Describe Sultala and write with Dugun in Tala-notation system.

6. Choose the correct option:

(a) Which of the following belongs to ‘Agra Gharana’:
i. Tansen
ii. Faiyaz Khan
iii. Sadarang
iv. Bhatkhande

CBSE Special TX: 

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper Hindustani Music (Melodic)

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper  Hindustani Music (Melodic)

Time allowed: 02 hours

Maximum Marks: 15


  • Attempt all questions.

1. Describe the origin and development of Instrument opted for. 3

2. Define any Two of the following: 2
i. Meend
ii. Khatka
iii. Murki

3. Throw light on the Life and Musical Contribution of any one of the following:
i. Miyan Tansen
ii. Inayat Khan

4. Describe Raga Durga and elaborate upto 50 swaras. 3


Write in Notation a Razakhani Gat with Two Tanas in Raga Des

5. Describe Taal Tilwada and write in Tala notation with Dugun.

6. Choose the correct answer: 2

(a) Slight Touch of another Note on
i. Kan
ii. Gamak
iii. Meend
iv. Lamzama

CBSE Special TX: 

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper Carnatic Music (Percussion)

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper Carnatic Music (Percussion)

Time allowed: 02 hours

Maximum Marks: 15

  1. Write a tani avartanam of 8 avartams in Adi Tala single kalai. 4

  2. Explain briefly the Tanjore Bani of mridangam play. 3

  3. Evaluate the contribution of Palghat Mani Iyer to the art of Mridangam play. 3

  4. What is a performance and explain the role of mridangam in a performance. 3

  5. Tick the right answer: 4x½ = 2

i. Akshara kalas of a Rupaka Talam is:
a. 9
b. 11
c. 13
d. 6

CBSE Special TX: 


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