High Court of Judicature at Bombay
The key answers to the multiple choice objective type questions contained in the question paper for Preliminary/Screening Test held for the post of Judge, Family Court on 19.12.2010 are hereby notified for information of all the concerned. The correct answers/options are indicated by bold letters.
1. The Magistrate shall endeavour to dispose of every application made under Section 12(1) of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 within a period of __________ from the date of its first hearing.
- thirty days
- sixty days
- three months
- six months
2. By ______ blood, two persons are said to be related to each other when they are descended from a common ancestor but by different wives
- full blood
- half blood
- uterine blood
- none of the above.
3. According to Section 14 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, the Court shall not entertain any petition for dissolution of a marriage within ___________
- six months of marriage
- one year of marriage
- two years of marriage
- three years of marriage
4. Unless the Central Government by Notification in the Official Gazette otherwise directs nothing contained in the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 shall apply to the members of _________
- Scheduled Tribe
- Nomadic Tribes
- Scheduled Caste
- Other Backward Classes
5. A woman, who married in Delhi, lived with her husband in Mumbai and Pune, and after separation, now lives in Banglore, whereas husband continues to reside in Mumbai, cannot file a petition for divorce____________
- in Delhi
- in Mumbai
- in Banglore
- in Pune
6. Under Section 16 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, a child of void marriage has rights in the _________
- property of his parents
- joint family property
- ancestral property
- coparcenary property
7. “Sapinda relationship” extends as far as the ________ generation in the line of ascent through the mother in case of both the parties.
- third
- fifth
- first
- seventh