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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : (National Cadet Corps)

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 :

(National Cadet Corps)

Q. no Question Marks

1. When was the Girls’ Division of NCC raised? 1
2. What are the two parts of a ‘word of command’? 1
3. What is ‘trekking’? 1
4. Name any two ‘air borne diseases’. 1
5. How can recycling conserve resources? 1
6. State the important considerations for being ‘at ease’ (vishram) position. 2
7. Mention any four parts of .22 Delux Rifle. 2
8. State the objectives of Obstacle training programme for a cadet’. 2
9. One of the most ghastly act of the British rulers in India took place on 13thApril 1919. Identify the incident and answer the following questions;
a. Where did Jallianwala Bagh massacre incident take place?
b. Name the person who was responsible for Jallianwala Bagh massacre.3
10. ‘Natural resources are mother natures’ gift to mankind’. In the light of the given statement enumerate the role of NCC in conservation of natural resources.3
11. After determination of target, what are the next two steps of firing a shot? 3
12. State any six ‘man made disasters’. 3
13. What is ‘Drill’? What are the aims of ‘Drill’? 4
14. What do you understand by Social Service? Explain the three identified methods for conduct of social service.4
15. From the given diagrams identify and explain the standard obstacles that the NCC Cadet is required to negotiate during the obstacle training course in


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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : (Mathematics)

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Time allowed: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
General Instructions:

(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) The question paper consists of 30 questions divided into four sections A, B, C and D.
(iii)Section A contains 6 questions of 1 mark each. Section B contains 6 questions of 2 marks each. Section C contains 10 questions of 3 marks each. Section D contains 8 questions of 4 marks each.
(iv) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in four questions of 3 marks each and three questions of 4 marks each. You have to attempt only one of the alternatives in all such questions.
(v) Use of calculators is not permitted.

Section A

Question numbers 1 to 6 carry 1 mark each.

1. Write whether the rational number 7/75 will have a terminating decimal expansion or a nor-terminating repeating decimal expansion.
2. Find the value(s) of k, if the quadratic equation 3x2 - k√ 3 x+ 4= 0 has equal roots.
3. Find the eleventh term from the last term of the AP: 27, 23, 19, ..., –65.
4. Find the coordinates of the point on y-axis which is nearest to the point (–2, 5).

6. If  cos A=2/5 , find the value of 4 + 4 tan2 A

Section B

Question numbers 7 to 12 carry 2 marks each.

7. If two positive integers p and q are written as p= a2b3 and q= a3b; a, b are prime numbers, then verify: LCM (p, q) × HCF (p, q) = pq
8. The sum of first n terms of an AP is given by Sn = 2n2 + 3n . Find the sixteenth term of the AP.
9. Find the value(s) of k for which the pair of linear equations kx + y = k2 and x + ky = 1 have infinitely many solutions.

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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : (Home Science)

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(Home Science)

Time: 3 Hrs. M.M.: 75
General Instructions: -

1. This question paper contains five sections A, B, C, D and E.
2. In every section choice question is given.
3. Questions No. 1 to 8 are of 1 mark each and to be answered in one word or one sentence each.
4. Questions No. 9 to 16 are of 2 marks each and to be answered in approximately 20-30 words each.
5. Questions No. 17 to 19 are of 3 marks each and to be answered in approximately 30-50 words each.
6. Questions No. 20 to 27 are of 4 marks each and to be answered in approximately 60-80 words each.
7. Questions No. 28 to 32 are 5 marks each and to be answered in approximately 80-120 words each.

SECTION-A (7x1=7)

Note- Attempt any 7 questions out of the given 8.

1. “The old age needs special care.” Justify this statement with the help of one example. 1
2. List any two common features of childhood. 1
3. What will you do if an article is excessively blued in colour? 1
4. Define food hygiene. 1
5. What do you understand by the term dovetailing? 1
6. What is RDA? 1
7. Why is it important to sterilize dustbin? 1
8. List any two factors affecting the safety of food at home. 1

SECTION-B (7x2=14)

Note- Attempt any 7 questions out of the given 8.

9. How does play influence physical development of a child? Explain with two examples. 2
10. Write any four ways of reducing psychological fatigue. 2
11. Explain any two reasons of saving money in our lives, to your younger sister. 2
12. How can you keep your kitchen free from pests? Write any four points. 2
13. Discuss any four points that you would consider while planning balanced diet for a family. 2
14. Expand FSSAI and draw its logo. 2
15. Define consumer education. List the names of any one government and one non-government agency, providing consumer education. 2
16. Write any four characteristics of Adulthood. 2

SECTION-C (2x3=6)

Note- Attempt any 2 questions out of the given 3.

17. Your mother has invited her friend for dinner. She wants to bring a variety in meals.Suggest any three ways of doing this to her. 3
18. Ms. Singh found holes in her silk saree which was stored in a box during summer season. Give three possible reasons for it. Write three precautions which we should take to avoid this problem. 3
19. What is the difference between Heavy, Moderate and Light work? Give one example of each. 3

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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : (Information and Communication Technology)

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(Information and Communication Technology)

Time: 2 ½ Hrs. M.M.:40
General Instructions:

(i) The sample question paper consists of 16 questions.
(ii) All questions are compulsory; however internal choice has been given in few questions.

1. Multiple choice questions 5

a. Which of the following is not an input device?
i) Scanner
ii) Microphone
iii) Speaker
iv) Trackball
b. ___________ acts as the nerve centre that sends control signal to all other units.
i) Control Unit
ii) Software
iii) ALU
iv) Memory
c. Random Access Memory and Read Only Memory are examples of_______________.
i) Auxiliary Memory
ii) Primary Memory
iii) Secondary Memory
iv) Both primary and secondary memory
d. GIMP, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, and Picasa are examples of _________softwares.
i) Spreadsheets
ii) Word Processors
iii) Desktop publishing
iv) Presentation
e. It allows a visited website to store its own information about a user on the user’s computer.
i) Spam
ii) Malware
iii) Cookies
iv) Adware
2. Aayush wants to send highly sensitive form data such as username and password which method out of GET/POST should he use to send the form data?
3. Define Shareware. 1
4. Identify the tools used for the following purpose:

a. To lighten the colours in an image.
b. To shift one part of an image, a layer, a selection or a path to a direction and the other part to the opposite direction.
5. What is the significance of System Software? 1
6. What does Open-source in Open- Source software mean? 1
7. Name any four tools used for Retouching an image in GIMP. 2
8. Write any four exclusive rights that a copyright owner possesses?
What is a firewall? 2
9. Differentiate between Blur and Sharpen tool. 2
10. Write the CSS code to:
i. Apply 50px indentation to all text paragraphs marked with <p>.
ii. Make the text in the paragraphs marked with <p> tag “italics”.
List the advantages of using CSS. 2
11. Explain the various values associated with “scrolling” attribute of FRAME tag. 3
12. Observe the following code carefully and answer the questions that follow:
<title>NETWORK SECURITY</title>
<style type="text/css">
li {
letter-spacing:10px ;
text-transform: lowercase;
<body> The Dos and Don’ts of network security

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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : Foundation of Information Technology

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Foundation of Information Technology

1.    Multiple Choice Questions    5

a. Which one of the following is an e-Shopping website:

(i)     Flipkart

(ii)    Amazon

(iii)   Snapdeal
(iv)   All of above  

b. Background is an attribute of:

i)    <BODY> tag

ii)   <FONT> tag

iii)  <IMG> tag

iv)  <A> tag 

c. A link used to navigate or open other web pages on a website on internet is called:

i)    Higherlink

ii)   Hyperlink

iii)  Heterolink
iv)  None of above    

d. A total of how many headings are there in html:

i)    4

ii)   6

iii)  7

iv)  8    

e. Which one of the following is not an attribute of <A> tag:

i)     NAME

ii)    HREF

iii)   Source
iv)   Both (i) & (ii)    

2.    What is Blog?    1
3.    Discuss the purpose of HTTP briefly.    1
4.    Tamanna needs to store and transport the data. She should use HTML or XML?    1
5.    Name the protocol which is used for uploading & downloading data from remote site.    1
6.    What is the full form of URL?    1
7.    What is the purpose of a web browser? Give the name of any two popular web browsers.    2
8.    Explain the term Digital Divide.    2
9.    Define cell padding and cell spacing with respect to tables in HTML.


Define container & empty tags in HTML.    2
10.    What is a primary key in a table?


What is the need of a database? Discuss briefly.    2
11.    Differentiate between <OL> and <UL> tag with suitable example.    3
12.    What is the purpose of <IMG> tag? Mention it’s any two attributes along with their purpose.    3

13.    What is e-Learning? Mention any two main benefits of e –learning with respect to the use of Information Technology.    3
14.    Differentiate between Crackers & Hackers.


Ishan, a trainee in a multinational bank has just got his first official computer with internet facility in his office. Explain him about Malware, its types and any two precautionary measure he should be taken for information security.3

15.    Write the HTML code to generate the following web page with the given below specifications:

(a) Bordered table should have background color in pink.

(b) Table’s header row with a heading “INCOME TAX SLABS 2017-18” should spread  over four cells.

(c) After heading row, first cell of next row should spread over five rows with an image named “it.jpg” stored in d: drive.

(d) Set the space between the cell wall and the cell content to 10 pixels and set the space between the cells to 10 pixels.
(e) At the bottom of the page, a link to next page is there which is linked to another webpage named “next.html”.    5

16.    Attempt any one question out of the given two:

A.  Sahiba, a website designer with “International Designers Pvt. Ltd.” has written the following code. Observe the code given below and answer the following questions:

<employee eid=1>
<dept deptid=“d1”>Computer</dept>
<employee eid=2>
<dept deptid=“d2”>Accounts</dept>
i. Are these tags part of HTML code or XML code?
ii. Identify the root element.
iii. Mention any two child elements. iv. Mention any two attributes.
v. An xml document can have more than one root element. Is it true or false?


B.  Vani, a class X student has recently completed her HTML course and just started learning XML. Help her in the following:
i. Mention her any one main difference between HMTL and XML.
ii. She has been told that “All major browsers have a built-in XML parser to access and
manipulate XML”. Is this statement right or wrong?
iii. Explain her the purpose of comments in XML document. iv. Tell her the syntax to put comments in XML documents.
v. Explain her the meaning of well-formed XML documents.    5

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(Scholarship) CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme-2020

(Scholarship) CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme-2020

The Central Board of Secondary Education invites ‘Online applications’ from eligible students who have passed Class X Examination 2020 from the CBSE affiliated Schools for the following Scholarship Schemes: -


(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : E-Publishing & E-office

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 :

E-Publishing & E-office

Q. No.        Marks
1    (a)    Which of the following activities will be handled under cyber law:
i.      Stealing mouse from an office.
ii.    Deleting some files, images, video‟s etc. from a friends computer with his consent.
iii.     Sending a friendship request to an unknown person.
iv.      Harassment through emails and web chatting messages.    1
(b)    Help Anubhuti in identifying suitable protocols for the following purpose:
i.      To transfer files on the internet.
ii.      To remotely login a customer‟s PC to provide him technical support.    2
(c)    How a Hacker is different from a Cracker? Mention any two netiquettes.
Shivansh, a class IX student has just started using internet. Explain him the use of
browser application along with the name of any two popular browsers. Also suggest him a web based office application name through which he can write, edit and collaborate in a document from anywhere-anytime.    3

2    (a)    What are the two orientations available under page setting?    1
(b)    How the term table and cell are related with each other in „Writer‟? Explain with the help of an example.    2
(c)    Mr. Ramashankar has written a document on the topic “Global Warming” in word processing application named “Writer”. He want to check his document for spellings. Help Mr. Ramashankar by telling him the main steps for the same.    2
(d)    Ms. Aditi, an editor in a leading newspaper has received an article on “Seven wonders of the world” in which she has to exchange the word “Taj Mehal” with the word “The Taj Mehal”.  Which tool she should use and how?  2
(e)    Define the term main document and data source with reference to mail merge option.
Briefly mention the main steps of Mail Merge.    2

   (a)    Which symbol is used to be placed in front of the column letter and row number in a cell reference to make it absolute reference?    1
 (b)    Ms.  Shipra,  an  IT  professional  in  a Global  Educational  Institute has  created
following performance sheet in a spreadsheet application. Help her in writing functions to find out maximum marks, total, average and remarks.


What is a chart in any spreadsheet application? Discuss the importance of charts briefly. Mention the name of any four types of charts commonly used in any spreadsheet application.    4
4    (a)    Sanya is working on her social science project work. She  is facing following issues with the images used in the project:
•    One of the image is small in size and she want to enlarge the physical size of the image
•    She needs the mirror image of the photograph. Suggest the suitable tools for the same.    2
(b)    Sachin has to send his photograph to the passport office for the processing of his
passport  but  his  photograph  clicked  by  the  photographer  is  very  dark  due  to insufficient light. Which colour tool will he use to lighten the color pixel of the photograph.  Also write the steps for the same.    4
5    (a)    Mention the full form of the following:
i. TIFF                      ii. JPEG    1
(b)    What is e-Publishing? How it differs from traditional publishing? Mention any
two main advantages of e-Publishing.    3

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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : Hindi A

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Hindi A

सत्रांत परीक्षा

खण्ड – ‘क’  अंक-15

1अपठित अंष 8

(i) बोलने का विवेक और कला-पटुता को व्यक्तत की शोभा और आकर्षण कहा गया है। इसी के कारण वह मित्रों के बीच सम्मान और प्रेि का केन्द्र-बिन्दु बन जाता है। 2
(ii) विषय से हटकर बोलने वालों  से, अपनी बात को अकारण खीिंचते चले जाने वालों  से लोग ऊब जाते है। 2
(iii) अनुशामसत, सिंयमित, सिंतुमलत, सार्षक और हहतकर बोलना वाणी का तप है? 2
(iv) बहुत कम बोलना हमारी प्रतिभा और तेज को कुन्द कर देता है। 1
(v) ‘राई का पहाड़ बनाना’ – बढा-चढाकर बात करना। 1

2 अपठित काव्यांष 7

(i) भीषण बाधाओं और संकटो के प्रतीक हैं। कवि ने इनका संयोजन सिंघर्षशीलता और हिम्मत दिखानें के लिए किया है 2 
(ii) कवि ने हमेषा संघर्षों और चुनौततयों का कहिन मार्ग  मार्ग चुना। उन्द्होनें कभी फूलों का अर्थात सुख-सुविधा का मार्ग नहीं चुना। 2
(iii) ‘युग की प्राचीर’ का आशय है – सिंसार की बाधाएँ। 1
(iv) साहस और सिंघर्षशीलता। 1

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(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper (English Language & Literature)

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme (English Language & Literature)

Time allowed- 3 hours

Maximum Marks-70


(a) The question paper is divided in to three sections.

(b) Section A: Reading 20 Marks
Section B: Writing and Grammar 25 Marks
Section C: Literature/ Text Books & Long Reading Texts 25 Marks

(c) All questions are compulsory.

(d) Marks are indicated against each question.


READING – 20 marks

1. Read the passage given below:

Evolution has designated vultures to be the ultimate scavengers. Enormous wingspans allow them to circle in the air for hours. Their beaks, while rather horrifying, are weak by bird standards, made to scoop and eat flesh.
However unappealing they may seem, vultures serve an important role in the ecological cycle: processing dead bodies of animals. Only 20 years ago, India had plenty of vultures—flocks so enormous they darkened the skies. But by 1999, their numbers had dropped due to a mysterious kidney ailment. By 2008, 99.9 percent of India’s vultures were gone. It was finally discovered that they had been killed by a drug called diclofenac (a pain reliever along the lines of aspirin or ibuprofen).

Indians revere their cows, and when a cow showed signs of pain, they treated it with diclofenac. After the animal died, the vultures would eat the corpse. And though they boast perhaps the world’s most efficient digestive system, vultures cannot digest the drug.

India banned the use of diclofenac for veterinary use in 2006, but it’s still widely used. The near extinction of vultures has caused a disease in the country, as rats and dogs moved in to take their place—spreading pathogens that would have otherwise been destroyed by the vultures Vultures need large ranges to scan for food and undisturbed areas in which to nest. They also need an abundance of prey species since they rely more
on chance than their own hunting skills to eat. All of these things have been reduced by human activity. Meanwhile, there is a dramatic increase in secondary poisoning. Vultures feed on carcasses laced with poison, intended to kill jackals or other predatory carnivores. Or they are poisoned by the lead in animals left behind by hunters.

On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the following questions briefly:

a. Who are the natural scavengers?
b. How do the special beaks and wings/ work?
c. How did their numbers decrease?
d. Why do we need these ‘scavengers’?
e. Why do vultures need more prey ?
f. Why are the dead bodies laced with poison?
g. What is ‘secondary poisoning’?
h. Give any two factors responsible for the death of vultures?

2 Read the passage given below:

1 Children in India live in diverse circumstances and have diverse needs and rights. Along with their need to be educated, healthy and skillful, they need, and have rights to adequate nutrition, to live in a safe and supportive environment, have opportunities to reach their optimal potential and generally lead healthy, joyful and fulfilling lives so that they can be productive and well adjusted citizens of tomorrow.

2. Children in our country face many challenges. Many of them are first generation learners and face myriad problems throughout their schooling. They, due to the socio-economic and cultural determinants may be vulnerable in many ways. Peer pressure and lack of positive role models may prompt them to make unsafe and unhealthy choices. Anxiety and depression amongst the students, to the point of turning them suicidal, have been a cause of concern in the recent past.

3. Girls are more vulnerable and face discrimination at many levels from being unwelcome since birth to being pulled out of school for a variety of reasons. Dropping out of school, low motivation for academics and general disinterest in sports and physical activities too are some of the problems that need to be addressed. Child malnutrition is rampant in most parts of the country. This has an adverse bearing on their cognitive capacities, learning performance and physical capacity.

4. Our children have a right to age appropriate education, skills building, a safe and supportive environment, positive role models, empowerment, and friendly health services and counseling. Well informed and skilled children are likely to make better decisions concerning not only their careers and relationships, habits, physical and mental health, but will be successful and an asset to the society.

5. They also need to understand and deal with emerging issues like newly available career choices, pollution, water and energy conservation, global warming, protection of environment, terrorism and disasters. Dealing with anxiety and depression, negative peer pressure, violence, accidents, are some other significant issues that impact individuals health and also the social, economic and health indicators of the country. Gender sensitivity, prevention of female infanticide and good parenting are some important social issues that all children need to understand. Children require guidance and assistance - both covert and overt- from their Parents, Teachers, peers and society in general to complete the various "tasks" of development and

deal with such issues.

On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the following questions:

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(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme (E-Publishing & E-Office)

(Download) CBSE Class-10 2016-17 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme (E-Publishing & E-Office)

Max. Marks: 30

Time: 2 hours

(Section A)

1. Which single shortcut key is used to insert/create chart for the selected cell in MS-excel.
2. My class teacher is having the result-sheet of entire class showing total marks for each student. She want me to help her in generating a summary report showing the following:

  • Student scoring 90% & above.

  • Student scoring 75% & above.

  • Student scoring 60% & above.

  • Passed Students.

  • Fail students

Which chart should I use in ms-excel?

3. (a) In a worksheet column A, B and C are showing the quantity of an item in 3 different departmental stores. If column D is to display the total quantity, write the formula statement.
(b) In Which cell should the above statement be written?

4. In order to insert a formula in an excel sheet, Which menu item is to be clicked?
What is the category type of IF ()?

5. In an excel sheet as shown below, I want computer to automatically set the value for column D as Pass/fail based on the condition.

Marks >=33, Pass
Marks <33, Fail

  A B C D
1  Roll no Name Marks Result
2 1001 Amit 73  
3 1002 Riya 27  
4 1003 Sunita 53  
5 1004 Radha 39  
6 1005 Mohan 83  
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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : English Communicative

(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 :

English  Communicative


Q1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

1. Cricket is a global passion, played everywhere from Test match arenas to village greens, tropical beaches and dusty back lots. Cricket is the world's second most popular spectator sport after football.
2. The origin of cricket is somewhere in the Dark Ages. All research concedes that the game derived from a very old, widespread and uncomplicated pastime by which one player served up an object, be it a small piece
of wood or a ball, and another hit it with a suitably fashioned club. Cricket was first recorded in 16th-century England, and it was played in grammar schools, farm communities and everywhere in between. But things really took off when 18th-century nobles realised it was a great sport.
3. The oldest surviving set of cricket laws date from 1744 – printed on a handkerchief, naturally. It's now in the MCC Museum at Lord’s in London. The oldest permanent fixture is the annual Eton v Harrow match,played since 1805. A young Lord Byron turned out for Harrow in the first match, though history doesn't record how poetic – or “mad, bad and dangerous” – his bowling was.
4. The first international match was in 1877 when Australia beat England in Melbourne. The match was dubbed a “Test”, since the gruelling nature of playing over five days was deemed the ultimate “test” for any
side. But it was Australia’s first win on English soil – in 1882 at The Oval in London – that led to matches between the two nations being christened the Ashes. Following the defeat, newspapers published an obituary
mourning “the death of English cricket”, adding that “the body will be cremated and the ashes taken to Australia”.
5. A One Day International (ODI) is a form of limited overs cricket, played between two teams with international status, in which each team faces a fixed number of overs, usually 50. The Cricket World Cup is played in this format. The international one-day game is a late twentieth-century development. The first ODI was played on 5 January 1971 between Australia and England at the Melbourne Cricket Ground.    (344words)

1.1 Attempt any eight of the following questions on the basis of the passage you have read.(1X8=8Marks)

i. According to the passage, how did the game of Cricket originate?
ii. Where can we find the oldest sets of Cricket laws?
iii. Which match did Lord Byron play?
iv. When was the first international match played?
v. Which countries played that match?
vi. Why were the matches between Australia and England titled “The Ashes”?
vii. In which format is the Cricket world cup played ?
viii. When did the ODIs begin?
ix. Which word in paragraph no.5 means the same as ‘exhausting’?

Q2.Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

1. Politeness has been well defined as benevolence in trifles. It is the desire to put those whom we meet perfectly at their ease, and save them from every kind of petty discomfort and annoyance. The limited part of benevolence called politeness requires only an inclination to make them happy temporarily,while they are in our presence, and when this can be done without any sacrifice on our part or only with a slight sacrifice of personal comfort.
 2. Politeness is said to be one of the important characteristics of civilised person. Politeness is the art of choosing among your thoughts. It must be implemented in every walk of life. When we deal with people elder to us we are polite. But, an honest polite person is polite with everyone, people of lower status, workers and even children. Not only with humans but also with animals we must be polite as they are our helpers.
3. Politeness is a skill. Like any other skill, you can master it with practice. The greatest enemy of politeness is ego. To be a polite person, you have to sacrifice your ego. It is difficult for an egoist to be polite. You have to imply politeness in your thinking, speech and actions. Actions work more than words. Polite actions will give fine results. Politeness will reduce your stress and boost you to be productive.Apart from your present benefits, you protect your future. Being polite makes you mentally healthy. In our daily life we come across many incidents with people nearby and ourselves.
 4. Different rules of behaviour have to be observed, accordingly as we are in the street or in the drawingroom,at home or at school, in the company of friends or of strangers. There is also to be considered the great diversity of social etiquette which distinguishes one country from another.
 5. Politeness, besides being a duty that we owe to others, is a valuable possession for ourselves. It costs nothing, and yet may in many cases bring much profit. The great advantage of this excellence of conduct
was very clearly expressed by Dr. Johnson, when he said that the difference between a well-bred and an ill- bred man is that one immediately attracts your liking, the other your dislike. (378 words)

2.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any four of the following questions in about 30-40 words each : (2X4=8)

i. Why is politeness called as limited part of benevolence?
ii. List some of the persons we should be polite to?
iii. Why is it difficult for an egoist to be polite?
iv. What are the benefits of being polite?
v. Which rules of behaviour are to be observed?

2.2 On the basis of your reading of the passage, fill in any two of the following blanks with appropriate words/phrases. (1X2=2)

i. Politeness is an art of choosing_________.
ii. An honest polite person is polite with ___________.
iii. To others, we _____________________.

2.3. Attempt any two of the following. Find out the words that mean the same as under: (1x2 =2)

i. ‘insignificant’ (Paragraph 1)
ii. ‘manners’ (Paragraph 4)
iii. ‘civil’(Paragraph 5)

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Elements of Business

Q. No.




Which  of the following is not a feature of personal selling:

a) develop personal relationship with customer b) personal form of communication

c) flexible tool of promotion

d) communicated through some media



                         are considered as a cushion of security.

a) Equity        b) Debentures     c) Retained Earnings     d) Trade Credit



Exchange of information between sender and receiver is known as:

a) Directing   b) Controlling    c) Organising    d) Communication



Centralised control in MNC’s implies control exercised by

a) Headquarters    b) Government    c) Branches  d) Subsidiaries



Document that is sent by the seller to a potential customer offering to sell goods

or services at a certain price is known as:

a) Debit note     b) Credit note    c) Quotation       d) Accounts Payable



Debentures are                              type of capital of a company.

a) Fluctuating      b) borrowed     c)Permanent     d) Fixed



Invoice is prepared by                                          in case of sale of goods

a)   Buyer     b) Seller   c) Bank      d) Lender



Delhi Cloth Mills (DCM) Store is an example of which of the following:

a) Mail Order House          b) Multiple Shops c) Departmental Stores       d) Super Markets



The process of communication is incomplete without                   

a) Rumours     b)Feedback    c) Encoding    d) Decoding



Which of the following is a type of Non- store retailing

a)   Consumer Cooperative Store         b) Selling through internet c)   Franchisee                                       d) Chain stores



Which of the following is an impersonal form of communication?

a) Advertising       b) Marketing       c) Personal Selling      d) Promotion



Reliance Jio distributed free sim cards for enhancing its customer base. Which

promotion technique did the company adopt?

a) Contests       b) Sampling         c) Lucky draw       d) Rebate



                                           is not a feature of a departmental store.

a)   Centralised location          b) Wider Range

c)   Central purchases             d)  Specialised in one line product



                        is an association of persons formed for carrying out business

activities and has a legal status independent of its members is known as:

a) Joint Hindu  Family                              b) Partnership c) Consumer Cooperative society             d) Company



Equity shareholders are called

(a) Owners of the company       (b) Partners of the company

(c) Debtors of the company       (d) Creditors of the company



Signature of a company is known as :

a) Trademark of the company    b) Logo of the company

c) common seal                          d)  signature of the director



Equity share capital is a permanent source of finance. Explain



State any three limitations of Mail Order Business.



Briefly explain Radio as a media of advertising.



‘Multinational Corporation creates employment in the host country’. Do you

agree with the given statement? Give valid reasons in support of your answer.



Define Advertising. State any three difference between Advertising and

Personal selling.



Explain the preferential rights enjoyed by Preference Shareholders over Equity




Discuss how a buyer can exercise the methods of ‘purchase by sample’ and

‘purchase by inspection’.



Discuss the role of sender and receiver in the communication process under a

business organisation.



‘No business organisation can imagine communication activities without

telephone in the modern times’. Elaborate the given statement in the light of the present day communication methodologies.



State the steps involved in selling procedure.



Automatic Vending Machine is a new and innovative way of direct retailing.

In the light of given statement state the advantages of Automatic vending machine.



State any four features of a multinational corporation.



Distinguish between public and private company on the basis of the following:

a.   Number of members   b. Prospectus           c. Number of directors d.   Transfer of shares       e. Minimum paid up capital



Explain any two sources of owner’s fund that can be used for raising finance by

a business organisation.



‘Video Conferencing has been growing rapidly as a method of communication

for the present day business organisations’. Discuss the advantages of the method in the light of the given statement.



Discuss briefly the following :

a) Debit Note b) Credit Note



Write short notes on :-

a.   Email b.   Letter



Explain the following two methods of purchase of goods:-

a) Instalment Method             b) Hire Purchase Method



Give any five point of distinction between Departmental and Chain Stores.



Discuss briefly the following techniques of sales promotion, with suitable


a) Rebate     b) Discount       c) Refund   d) Contest    e) Lucky Draw


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(Download) CBSE Class-10 Sample Paper And Marking Scheme 2017-18 : Elements of Book Keeping and Accountancy

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Elements of Book Keeping and Accountancy

Time allowed: 03 Hours

Maximum Marks: 80

1. Capital Expenditure……………………………. 1
(a) maintains the earning capacity.
(b) helps in running day to day business.
(c) increases the earning capacity of business.
(d) benefits in only one accounting period.

2. Decline in the value of fixed intangible assets is called……….. 1
(a) Amortisation
(b) Depletion
(c) Depreciation
(d) Obsolescence

3. Amortisation is writing off………………. 1
(a) Patents and Copyrights
(b) Patents and Machinery
(c) Patents and Stock
(d) Copyrights and Furniture

4. Bank Reconciliation Statement is prepared by the ……….. 1
(a) Creditor
(b) Businessman
(c) Bank
(d) Debtor

5. Debit balance of Cash Book means…………….. 1
(a) Favourable balance
(b) Unfavourable balance
(c) Overdraft
(d) Negative balance

6. Drawer in a bill of exchange is a person…………… 1
(a) who draws a bill
(b) who accepts a bill
(c) who makes the payment
(d) who receives the payment

7. Balance Sheet shows…………… 1
(a) Profit or Loss
(b) Financial Position
(c) Errors of Accounts
(d) Total Debtors

8. Trading and Profit & Loss Account is prepared……………….. 1
(a) at the end of the calendar year
(b) at the beginning of the accounting year
(c) on every Diwali
(d) at the end of the accounting year

9. Which of the following is correct about Single Entry System: 1
(a) Simple Method
(b) Difficult Method
(c) Expensive Method
(d) Both difficult and expensive method

10. Single Entry System is a…………….. 1
(a) Complete System
(b) Incomplete System
(c) Hybrid System
(d) Difficult System

11. What is meant by a bill of exchange? 2
12. R & Company purchased a machine for Rs. 80,000 and spends Rs. 20,000 for its installation. For the first year, the firm charges depreciation Rs. 10,000 on it. Record the necessary Journal entries. 2
13. What is meant by Bank Reconciliation Statement? 2
14. What does the credit balance of Cash Book imply? 2
15. Calculate Cost of Goods sold from the following information: 2
 Sales                                           1,25,000
 Purchases                                   75,000
 Wages                                         8,000
 Gross Profit                                 42,000

16. State any two limitations of incomplete records. 2
17. Give any three examples of Revenue Expenditure. 3
18. Explain the ‘Fixed Installment Method’ of charging depreciation. 3
19. What is meant by Deferred Revenue Expenditure? Give one example. 3
20. Give any two differences between ‘Trading Account’ and ‘Profit & Loss Account’. 3
21. Calculate Closing Capital:

 Opening Capital                    3,40,000
 Profit for the year                 2,40,000
 Drawings                               1,40,000
 During the year proprietor sold ornaments of his wife for Rs. 40,000 and invested the same in the business. 3

22. Give any three differences between ‘Statement of Affairs’ and ‘Balance Sheet’. 3
23. Dutta & Sons acquired a machine for Rs. 90,000 on October 1, 2014. Rs. 10,000 was spent on its installation. The firm charges depreciation @ 10 % on original cost every year. Calculate the amount of depreciation to be charged every year and prepare Machine Account for the first three years. The firm closes its books on March 31 every year. 4
24. State any four causes of difference of bank balance as shown by Cash Book and Pass Book. 4
25. State any four uses of incomplete records to businessmen.  

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