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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Laboratory Medicine

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Laboratory Medicine

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : Laboratory Medicine


Time allowed : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 60

Instruction : Attempt all questions.


1. Answer the following :
(i) What are the chief constituents of gastric juice ?
(ii) Enumerate various types of Plasmodium.
(iii) Name the tests for Urobilinogen in urine examination.
(iv) What is occult blood in stool examination ?
(v) Define amniocentesis.
(vi) What is erythroblastosis foetalis ?
(vii) Enumerate chemical tests performed in semen analysis.
(viii) Differentiate between transudate and exudate.
(ix) Name the mounting media.
(x) Name various amyloid stains.


2. Answer any two of the following :
(i) How will you examine pleural fluid ? Name various tests performed.
(ii) Write pathological changes in appearance and colour of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) in its examination.
(iii) What is clinical importance of sperm count ?

3. Answer any two of the following :
(i) Name the tests for Ketone bodies examination. How will you perform acetone
bodies tests in urine ?
(ii) How will you perform quantitative examination of proteins in urine ?
(iii) Enumerate various ova and cysts found in stool examination.


4. Answer briefly any three of the following :
(i) Factors of blood coagulation
(ii) Bone marrow examination
(iii) Iron deficiency anaemia
(iv) Aleukaemic Leukemia

5.Answer the following :
(i) What are the advantages of using different colour labels for blood bags in blood bank for blood collection ?
(ii) What is Du – antigen ? Give its clinical importance.
(iii) Write significance of minor blood groups.
(iv) Enumerate blood components. Write briefly on ‘Fresh Frozen Plasma’ (FFP).
(v) What is Coomb’s test ? Describe why direct Coomb’s test is done.

CBSE Special TX: 
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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Holistic Health

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Holistic Health


Time allowed : 2½ hours

Maximum Marks : 50


Essay type questions : (attempt any three) (minimum 150 words)
1. Write the name of organs of the digestive system and explain their functions.

2. Prepare a diet chart for a 45 years old woman having hypertension.
3. Explain any two asanas which are helpful to increase height.
4. What is surya namaskar and what are its benefits ?


Short answer questions : (attempt all) (minimum 50 words)
5. What is the role of communication in beauty business ?
6. Give the names and the functions of the valves present in the heart.
7. Write down benefits of Shavasana.


Very short answer questions : (attempt any seven)
8. List the types of mudras in Yoga.
9. What is BMI and how it is worked out ?

10.What can promotion do for your saloon ?
11.Enlist the functions of five types of tissues found in the human body.
12.Enlist the organs of excretory system.
13.Enlist the primary functions of bones.
14.What are the general effects of Jacuzzi hydro massage ?
15.Mention the functions of the circulatory system.


16. Fill in the blanks : (attempt all twelve)
(i) Cooking by dry heat includes baking and ________
(ii) Ayurvedic medicine was found in ________.
(iii) Holistic massage encourages better ________ disposal.
(iv) Furuncle is caused by bacteria that enter the skin through the ________.
(v) People with low blood pressure usually have poor circulation with ________hands and feet.
(vi) Fruits and vegetables are important sources of ________.
(vii) Yoga enhances the sense of ________ and improves memory.
(viii) Blood pressure is the force or pressure which the blood exerts on the ________ of the main arteries.
(ix) Pranayama increases absorption of ________ and activates the vital organs.
(x) Holistic health is a wellness approach that addresses the body, ________, and spirit.
(xi) The three main body types are ectomorph, ________ and mesomorph.
(xii) The increased blood circulation during massage brings in extra ________.

CBSE Special TX: 
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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Beauty And Hair

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Beauty And Hair


Time allowed : 2½ hours

Maximum Marks : 50


1. Long answer questions (attempt any three)
(a) Define bleaching and explain chemistry of bleaching.
(b) Name any two herbs used in coloring & explain their functions.
(c) Explain the difference between hair texture and hair density.
(d) Write the purpose of make-up. How will you determine the facial balance with make-up ? Explain.


2.Short answer questions (attempt any three)
(a) Name and describe two types of hair disorders.
(b) Name the different types and uses of foundation.
(c) Differentiate between Corrective make-up and Photographic make-up.
(d) Write the procedure of pre-disposition test with precautions.


3. Very short answer questions (attempt any seven)
(a) What is the use of witch hazel in cosmetics ?
(b) What are the reasons of hair loss ?
(c) What is melanin ?
(d) Why is a patch test important in hair coloring ?
(e) Enlist the primary and secondary colors.
(f) Describe the three types of side bonds.
(g) What are complementary colors ?
(h) Define elevation and describe the different effects it creates.
(i) Mention the causes of over-bleach.


4. Fill in the blanks : (attempt any twelve)
(i) Always use _______ cream around the clients hair line and ears prior to applying perming lotion.
(ii) Make-up is a treatment which changes ones _______.
(iii) _______ is used to remove the oil base cosmetics from the skin.
(iv) Abnormal hair loss is called _______.
(v) The two types of canities are _______ and _______.
(vi) _______ Make-up does not get dissolved in sweat or water particles.
(vii) Eyelash curlers temporarily _______ the eyelashes and make them appear longer.
(viii) _______ can be used to cover the wrinkles and lines.
(ix) Pediculosis capitis is the infestation of the hair and scalp with _______.
(x) Concave rods have a _______ circumference in the center and _______ circumference on the ends.
(xi) Evening make-up is seen in _______ light.
(xii) Ability of hair to absorb water is called _______.
(xiii) pH of hair and skin is _______.
(xiv) Basic body art is also known as _______.
(xv) Patch test should be done _______ prior to the hair colouring service.

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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Geospatial Technology

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Geospatial Technology


Time allowed : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 60


(Multiple Choice Questions, attempt any 12 questions out of 15, each question of one mark )
1. Thermal band of EMR is between :
(a) 0.1 – 4 um (b) 0.4 – 0.7 um
(c) 0.9 – (d) 3 – 5 um

2. Water does not reflects in :
(a) Visible band (b) Infrared band
(c) Red band (d) Blue band

3. Resolution of WIFS sensor is
(a) 5.6 m (b) 1 m
(c) 188 m (d) 23 m

4. Data input is an operation of encoding data into :
(a) Image (b) DEM
(c) Data box (d) Aerial photo

5.Aspatial and spatial data is stored in GIS;
(a) Only spatial (b) Only aspatial
(c) None of them (d) Both of them

6. GIS is a tool which integrates data into a common format obtained from :
(a) non-digital source (b) digital source
(c) only hard copy source (d) digital and non-digital both

7.The instrument used to determine location is called :
(a) Satellite (b) Aircraft
(c) GIS (d) GPS

8.GPS can work in :
(a) tunnel (b) inside room
(c) clear sky (d) under water

9.The accuracy of DGPS varies between :
(a) 15 – 100 m (b) 20 cm – 1 m
(c) 0.5 m – 5 m (d) 1 cm – 5 cm

10. A body which reflects all radiation is called :
(a) White (b) Black
(c) Coloured (d) Grey

11.GIS that is integrated through an entire organization is called :
(a) Web GIS (b) Mobile GIS
(c) Enterprise GIS (d) 2-D GIS

12.3-D objects have an extra dimension of :
(a) Length (b) Width
(c) Depth (d) Length and width

13.Flood warning is issued by IMD, using inputs from :
(a) IRS (b) Insat
(c) Gagan (d) RISAT

14.Dengue and Chickengunia prone areas can be mapped using :
(a) RISAT (b) Insat
(c) Gagan (d) Toposheet

15.INSAT Satellite rotates around the earth in direction :
(a) North – South (b) South – North
(c) Geostationary orbit (d) Elliptical orbit

CBSE Special TX: 
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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Understanding The Evolution And Forms of Mass Media

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Understanding The Evolution And Forms of Mass Media



Time allowed : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 60

General Instructions :
(i) All the questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks for questions are indicated against each.

(Very Short Answer Questions)

1. What is the most important key concept of media ?
2. Write any four media conglomerates in India.
3. What was the earliest form of media ?
4. What is Wikipedia ?
5. What is the future of Internet ?
6. Which year sound era of film started ?
7. What is Satellite Communication ?
8. What is news alert on mobiles ?
9. Which year & date Vividh Bharti was started ?
10.What is search engine ?

11.What is Folk Literature ?

(Short Answer Questions)

12.What is the relationship between media studies and other subjects ?
13.Differentiate between group, crowd, public and mass audience.
14.What is the ‘lead’ and ‘main news’ story ?
15.What is the contribution of “Neorealism” to the development of film making ?
16.Which broadcasting company was the first to broadcast television in the United Kingdom ?
17.What is the role of Radio in your life ? Explain with examples.
18.Discuss the disadvantages of assimilation of film into television ?
19.Write a note on folk literature.

Part – III
(Long Answer Questions)

20.Illustrate with example the influence of internet on society.
21. While explaining salient points of radio plays, explain how they are different from stage plays ?
22. Name five news agencies of India and give details of their role.
23. Which were the agencies that contributed to the evolution of the internet ?
24. Which are the various forms of media that have been successfully assimilated into films ?



CBSE Special TX: 
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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Food & Beverage Cost & Control

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Food & Beverage Cost & Control

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : Food & Beverage Cost & Control



Time allowed : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 60

Instructions :
Read the paper carefully. All questions in each section are compulsory. Students may use bilingual mediums (both English and Hindi) for writing, in which technical terms should be written in English medium.
(i) Marks for questions are indicated against each.
(ii) Questions carrying 1 mark are very short-answer questions, required to be answered in one sentence each.
(iii) Questions carrying 2 marks are short-answer questions. Answer to them should not exceed 20-30 words each.
(iv) Questions carrying 3 marks are also short-answer questions. Answer to them should not exceed 40-60 words each.
(v) Questions carrying 4 marks are short-answer questions. Answer to them should not exceed 60-70 words each.
(vi) Questions carrying 5 marks are long-answer questions. Answer to them should not exceed 100-120 words each.

1. What will happen if sale is equal to the total cost ?

2. Give any two examples of period costs.

3. Write two advantages of FIFO.

4. Which copy of BOT is given to cashier ? Why ?

5. What do you understand by Re-chef ?

6. Name the two stages of volume forecasting.

7. What is the storage temperature of tomatoes and shell-fish ?

8. Which form is filled by the store keeper for issuing goods ?

9. Give two examples of food wastage during food preparation.

10. Profit of a hotel depends on correct purchase. Support this statement with the help of four examples.

11. Explain uncontrollable costs with the help of any two examples.

12. Write two important aims of purchasing.

13. Identify four ways a cashier of a hotel may be involved in frauds.
In what four ways can an accountant prevent frauds in a hotel ?

14. What do you understand by ullage ? How are they handled ?

15. List any four important equipments used by the receiving department.

16. Draw the format of Visitor Tabular Ledger. Why is it made ?

17. Suggest six ways to control cash receipts in a hotel.

18. What is average price ? Calculate weighted average price per packet from the following information : 100 packets of baby corn were purchased at the rate of ₹ 10 per packet and 500
packets of baby corn were purchased at the rate of ₹ 8 per packet

19. Write any six objectives of sales control.

20. Describe six obstacles which can occur during food cost control.

21. What is cash purchase ? Write its six advantages.
List eight clauses which should be included in a purchase contract.

22. How and why are purchase order and goods receiving book made ?
Draw a format of a meat tag. What is the purpose of making this ?

23.Write four reasons for stock taking. Find out the stock turnover from the following data.
Value of opening stock – 4000
Value of closing stock – 2000
Cost of food consumed in a month – 60,000

24. Describe the purpose of food cost accounting in detail.
Classify the costs on the basis of their functions and briefly explain each cost.

25. What is a standard recipe ? Describe its importance in detail.


CBSE Special TX: 
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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Food Production

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Food Production

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : Food Production (III)


Time allowed : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 60

General Instructions :
(i) Read the paper carefully. All questions in each section are compulsory. Students may use bilingual media (Both English and Hindi) for writing, in which technical terms should be written in English medium.
(ii) Answer 1 mark questions in about 20 words or in one sentence.
(iii) Answer 2 marks questions in about 20-30 words.
(iv) Answer 3 marks questions in about 30-40 words.
(v) Answer 4 marks questions in about 70-80 words.
(vi) Answer 5 marks questions in about 100-120 words.

1. List two reasons pathogens can grow in leftovers.

2. What is coulis ? What is it used for ?

3. What is chinois and colander used for ?

4. What is a Timbale ?

5. Name any two Cephelopods.

6. Which two important ingredients are used in a Roux ?

7. What is Oil and Ham called in French ?

8. What is (Pat-tay) a Pâté ?

9. Name a protein and a mineral found in meat.

10.Name two classical appetizers made from fish.

11.What four instructions would you give to make Danish pastry ?


Explain the method of making a choux pastry.

12.What four factors should be considered while planning a kitchen of a hotel ?

13.Write four responsibilities of a larder chef.

14.Which four Molluscs are served in a restaurant ?

15. Explain Sweet Bread and a Tripe.

16. What four points will you keep in mind while selecting a lamb ?


Why is bleeding and flaying done ?

17. What four points would you consider while preparing garnishes for a salad ?

18. Why is it important to add baking soda and fat in a cake ?


Explain the sugar batter method of making cake.

19. Draw the layout plan of a wash up area of a large sized hotel.


CBSE Special TX: 
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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Basic Concepts of Health & Disease And Medical Terminology

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Basic Concepts of Health & Disease And Medical Terminology


Time allowed : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 70

Instructions : All questions are compulsory.


1. List signs of good health.

2. Describe indicators of health.

3. Describe levels of prevention of disease with help of an example.

4. Explain classification of disease causing agent factors and give name of one disease of each category.

5.  Give examples of any two risk factors for road accident.

6. Name any one disease where non-living object is the reservoir.

7. Write different indirect modes of disease transmission.

8. Fill in the blanks :
(a) High blood cholesterol is a significant risk factor for ________ disease.
(b) Glaucoma is a disease which affects the ________.
(c) Inflammation of urinary bladder is called ________.
(d) Malaria and Dengue are ________ borne diseases.
(e) Severe diarrhoea can cause ________ among children.

9. Name any four non-communicable diseases.

10. Explain agent, host and environmental factors in causation of HIV/AIDS.

11.Explain different methods you can use for imparting health education to people for health promotion.

12. Explain importance of environmental sanitation. List methods of waste disposal for maintaining environmental sanitation.

13. List criteria for healthy housing and explain problems which may arise due to poor housing.


14. Write examples of medical terms using the following prefix : (one each)
(a) sub
(b) supra
(c) brady
(d) mal
(e) intra

15. Give meaning or description of the following terms used in hospital :
(a) Angiography
(b) Aspiration
(c) Hemoptysis
(d) Cyanosis
(e) Pleurisy

16. Following terms are used for disease of an organ/system. Explain which organ or system they indicate :
(a) Myocardial Infarction
(b) Salphingitis
(c) Meningitis
(d) Rhinitis
(e) Cataract

CBSE Special TX: 
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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Shorthand (English)

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Shorthand (English)

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : Shorthand (English)


Time allowed : 2 hours

Maximum Marks : 30

Instructions : (i) Answer all questions.
(ii) Answers should be in English only, otherwise the answers will be cancelled.
(iii) Answers should be specific, to the point, with examples and Shorthand outlines.

Section – A

1. How is L hook attached to straight strokes ? Give the outline of Blue. 1

2. Give two outlines illustrating the use of a dot for the prefix ‘com’. 1

3. How will you represent ‘Party’ by intersecting strokes in colloquial phrases ? Give two examples. 1

4. What are contractions, give two examples. 1

5. How will you distinguish between the outlines for (i) Adapt and Adopt, (ii) Differ and Defer ?

6. Distinguish between the outlines for (i) Motion and Emotion (ii) Apposite and Opposite. 1

7. Differentiate between a grammalogue and a logogram. 1

8. Give two qualities of a phraseogram. 1

9. Give a list of four grammalogue signs. 1

10. Give four examples of the use of N hook in phraseography. 1

Section – B

11. Briefly explain the principle of halving the strokes. Give examples. 2

12. How are ‘mp’ and ‘mb’ represented in shorthand ? Give three examples. 2

13. For what purpose do we cut one stroke by another in same shorthand outlines ? Give three such outlines. 2

14. Write the following in shorthand : 2
(i) Three hundred
(ii) Four thousand
(iii) Five million
(iv) Five hundred million

15. Give outline for the following phrases : 2
(i) In view of the circumstances
(ii) Apart from the fact that the
(iii) I would like to know
(iv) In this connection

16. Give outlines for the following contractions : 2
(i) Investment
(ii) Incorporate
(iii) Certificate
(iv) Characteristic

Section – C

17. What is a suffix ? Give six outlines illustrating the use of a dot for suffixing. 4
Illustrate the use of ‘yard’, ‘ward’, ‘ship’ and ‘ly’ as suffixes by giving two words along with their shorthand outlines for each.

18. How are nasal consonants and vowels represented in shorthand ? Give examples. 4
Explain the rules governing the use of upward and downward R.

CBSE Special TX: 
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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Typography & Computer Applications

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Typography & Computer Applications

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : Typography & Computer Applications (English)


Time allowed : 2 hours

Maximum Marks : 30

Part A –Typography

1. What is fully blocked form of Business letters ? 1

2. What proof correction signs are used for the following ? 1
(a) Delete
(b) No space between words

3. What is the difference between a manuscript and a corrected draft ? 1

4. What is Reference Number ? Why is it given in business and official letters ? 2

5. Differentiate between Demi-official and other official letters. 2

6. Write down the full form of the following abbreviations : 3

memo, food, sd., ref., Ltd., assn.

Part B – Computer Application

7. What is a PowerPoint ? 1

8. Which menu command is used to delete a slide ? 1

9. Which button is used for adding a new slide to a presentation ? 1

10. How many views are available in PowerPoint ? 1

11. What is Excel ? 1

12. What is a formula in Excel ? 1

13. What is a Worksheet ? 1

14. What is a Workbook ? 1

15. What is E-mail ? 1

16. What is function ? Which sign is used to write any function in formula ? 2

17. Write the names of any two anti-virus software. 2

18. Write the names of any two web browser. 2

19. How will you do cell alignment in Excel ? 2

20. Write the steps to create e-mail account on any popular sites. 3

CBSE Special TX: 
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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Office Communication

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Office Communication

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : Office Communication

(Theory) Paper – III

Time allowed : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 60


Answer any six questions from this section.

1.State any two characteristics of primary data.

2. What is meant by secondary data ?

3. Give two examples of graphic charts.

4. What is meant by a diagram ?

5.  Give the meaning of office correspondence.

6. State any two advantages of sending circulars.

7. List any four reasons for writing a public relations letter.


Answer any four questions from this section.

8. State any three purposes of writing banking letters.

9. Why is a dummy letter written ? Explain.

10.State the advantages of obtaining trade references by writing trade reference letter.

11. State any three advantages of presenting data with the help of pictogram.

12. Explain briefly the various types of tables. CM? - 3


13. Describe the various methods of collecting primary data. CM? - 4


Answer any four questions from this section.

14. What points must be included in a letter to be written for placing an order for goods ?

15. Prepare a questionnaire having minimum ten questions for collecting data regarding the status of skill centres in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

CBSE Special TX: 
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CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Graphics

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Graphics

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : Graphics



Time allowed : 2 hours

Maximum Marks : 40

1. Describe the origin and development of the Bengal School of Painting.

2.Appreciate any of the following contemporary (modern) Indian graphic-prints included in your course of study, duly based on its (a) Name of the graphic-artist, (b) Medium & technique, (c) Subject-matter and (d) Composition :
(1) Whirlpool
(2) Children

3.Which human life – values are expressed in any of the following miniature – paintings ?
Explain in short :
(1) Raja Aniruddha Singh Hara (Rajasthani School)
(2) Bharat Worshipping Charan Padukas of Rama (Pahari School)

4. Identify any relevant painting of the Bengal School included in your course of study comprising of the following features and explain them in that painting accordingly :

(a) The creation of mystic and mellow style, by using gloomy colouring with diffused light background and absence of any dark line or tone, which provide the experience of the astral – world.
(b) The delineation of attenuated human figures with extra elongated limbs and tapering fingers, which reflect the influence of the Rajasthani, Pahari and Mughal miniatures. Hence emphasis on the European realism is terminated.

5. How far has its painter been successful in depicting the subject-matter of any of the following miniature – paintings ? Give your appropriate reasons on the basis of the aesthetic parameters :
(1) Kabir and Raidas (Mughal School)
(2) Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya and Amir Khusro (Deccan School)

6. Mention the titles of any three miniature-paintings of the Mughal School and two of the Deccan School included in your course of study.

7.Mention the titles of any three miniature-paintings of the Rajasthani School and two of the Pahari School included in your course of study, which are important in your view.

8.Mention the titles of any three graphic-prints, a painting and a sculpture of the contemporary (modern) Indian Art included in your course of study.


CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Office Procedure And Practices

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Office Procedure And Practices

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : Office Procedure And Practices


Time allowed : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 60


1. What is meant by ‘resolution’ ?

2. State the consequences of non-availability of quorum for a meeting.

3. Give any two points of distinction between an ordinary letter and a registered letter.

4. State the advantages of sending a letter by Speed Post.

5. Give any two purposes for which a sorting table is used.

6. What is meant by vertical filing ?

7. Give the meaning of electronic communication.

8. State the purpose of writing letters of enquiry.

9. Give any two points of distinction between oral communication and written communication.

10. State any two uses of post office guide.


Answer any Seven questions from this part.

11.  Explain the advantages of office mechanization.

12. Describe the procedure of using telephone directory.

13.  Explain the various types of indices.

14. What is meant by centralization of correspondence ? Distinguish between centralization and decentralization of office correspondence.

15. Explain the meaning, advantages and limitations of weeding out of old records.

16. Describe the factors that should be considered while selecting office machines.

17. Describe the structure of a business letter.

18. Prepare a notice for a meeting with the help of imaginary details.

19. Explain the requisites of a valid meeting.


Answer any two questions from this part.

20. Describe the preparations to be made by a secretary for a meeting.

21. Explain the meaning and importance of office communication.

22. Give the steps in handling inward mail.


CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Air-Conditioning And Refrigeration

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Air-Conditioning And Refrigeration

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : Air-Conditioning And Refrigeration


Time allowed : 2 hours

Maximum Marks : 40

1. By which of the following is the capacity of an air conditioner prescribed ?
(i) By its total weight
(ii) By weight of its compressor
(iii) Heat removal per minute

2. In this air conditioner only the portion consisting of fan and evaporator is kept inside the room. Which of the following is this air conditioner ?

(i) Packaged air conditioner
(ii) Split air conditioner
(iii) Central air conditioner

3. For which of the following is a cooling coil used ?
(i) To produce cooling by evaporation of refrigerant.
(ii) To cool refrigerant vapours.
(iii) To cool the compressor.

4. In which of the following capacity are window type air conditioners usually available ?
(i) 0.5 to 1 ton
(ii) 0.5 to 1.5 ton
(iii) 2 to 2.5 ton

5. Which of the following method is preferred for direction of flow of air in conditioned space ?
(i) Towards the face of occupants
(ii) Towards the back of occupants
(iii) Towards the side of occupants

6. Which of the following is the total heat being extracted from the conditioned space ?
(i) Cooling load
(ii) Product load
(iii) Freezing load

7. Which type of element from the following is a solenoid valve ?
(i) Sensing element
(ii) Actuating element
(iii) Measuring element

8. Which of the following is not a safety device ?
(i) HP and LP cut outs
(ii) Motor relays
(iii) Capillary tube

9. Which of the following is not a refrigerant flow control device ?
(i) Solenoid valve
(ii) Thermostatic valve
(iii) Capillary tube
(iv) Bulb and Bellow

10. Which of the following is a modulating motor ?
(i) Reversible motor capable of stopping and holding at any position.
(ii) Single phase induction motor.
(iii) 3-phase induction motor.

11. Air-conditioning is sometimes carried out at partial load. Which of the following methods is adopted for this ?
(i) Bypass control
(ii) Stopping the plant in between
(iii) Allowing outside air to enter conditioned space

12. Which of the following is not a motor relay ?
(i) Current relay
(ii) Voltage relay
(iii) Thermal relay
(iv) Spring relay

13. Strips of two different metals joined together are used in which of the following elements ?
(i) Thermostatic element
(ii) Electric resistance element
(iii) Electromagnetic element

14. For which of the following is a thermostatic expansion valve used ?
(i) To regulate amount of refrigerant as per temperature and pressure
(ii) To control pressure of regulator
(iii) To control temperature of compressor

15. Which of the following can be the cause in a refrigerator for not producing cold even when it is running ?
(i) Shortage of refrigerant
(ii) Faulty capacitor
(iii) Less pressure of compressor

CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Applied Physics

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Applied Physics

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : Applied Physics



Time allowed : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 60

1. (a) State Coulomb’s Law in electrostatics and hence define the SI unit of charge.
Define the terms :
(i) Electric field, (ii) Electric field strength, at a point and (iii) Electric flux density.
Calculate the magnitude of the point electric charge so that it has electric field strength of 2.0 NC–1 at a distance of 50 cm away from it.
(b) What is a ‘Solenoid’ ? Explain by drawing magnetic lines of force, why does a current carrying solenoid behave as a bar magnet. Write an expression for the magnetic field strength at the centre of a current carrying solenoid.
(c) What are ‘intrinsic semi-conductors’ ? How can these be made ‘extrinsic semiconductors’ ? What is the effect of temperature on the conductivity of an intrinsic semi-conductor ? Explain briefly.

2. (a) Name the factors on which the magnitude of the force experienced by an moving charge inside a magnetic field depend. Write the relation between the force and these factors. Name the rule used to determine the direction of this force.
A current carrying conductor is placed at an angle of 30° to an uniform magnetic field of strength 1.0 × 10–3T. The length of the conductor inside the magnetic field is 2.0 m and the current flowing through it is 0.8 A. Calculate the
magnitude of the force experienced by it.
(b) What are ‘radio-isotopes’ ? Name any two such isotopes and one use of each.
(c) What is a ‘P-N junction’ ? How does it behave under forward and reverse biasings ? Explain by drawing the neat circuit diagtrams.

3. (a) Define the term ‘Capacitance’ of a capacitor and write its S.I. unit. Establish a relation for the total capacitance of ‘n’ capacitors connected in series.

(b) What is the meaning of the term ‘radiation-hazards’ ? Write four safety measures which can be taken against these.
(c) With the help of a labelled circuit diagram, explain the working of a ‘full wave rectifier’ using semi-conductor diodes. Draw input and output waveforms.
Draw the atomic structures of ‘Ge’ and ‘Si’ atoms. How can these materials be made P-type and N-type semi-conductors ? Explain briefly.

4. (a) State Gauss’ theorem in electrostatics. Apply it to establish a relation for the electric field strength at a point near a long, charged, straight, conductor.

(b) Define the terms : ‘magnetic field strength’, ‘magnetic flux density’, and ‘permeability’ of magnetic materials. Write their S.I. units.

(c) Write two differences between ‘nuclear fission’ and ‘nuclear fusion’. Name one fissile material used as fuel in a nuclear reactor.
Atoms of which element fuse together to produce large amount of energy in the Sun ?
Why cannot nuclear fusion energy be produced conveniently for commercial purposes ?

CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Engineering Science

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Engineering Science

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : Engineering Science

(Common for Automobile Technology, Structure & Fabrication and
Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration)
(Theory) Paper – I

Time allowed : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 70


Instruction : Answer all the questions.

Part – I 
Engineering Drawing

1.A regular hexagonal prism of base side 30 mm and axis 76 mm long, is resting on its base on HP in such a way that one side of the base is parallel to VP. It is cut by a section plane, perpendicular to HP and inclined at 40° to VP and passing through the axis of the prism. Draw its sectional front view and top view.

2. A hexagonal prism, having base side 30 mm and height 72 mm, is resting on its base on HP in such a way that its one side is parallel to V.P. and near to observer. It is cut by a section plane, perpendicular to V.P. and inclined at 40° to H.P. and passes
through a point on the axis 30 mm above the base. Draw the development of the lateral surfaces of the truncated prism.

3 Sketch free hand the front view of any two of the following :
(i) Any riveted joint
(ii) Flanged coupling
(iii) Hexagonal nut and square headed bolt assembly
(iv) Any two types of keys

Part – II 
Workshop Technology

Instructions : Answer any three questions. All questions carry equal marks.

4.Describe gas welding process. For what type of work do we use gas welding ?

5. Explain TIG welding. Give its advantages.

6. Explain electroplating processes. Give their applications.

7. Compare thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics. Give applications of each.

8. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(i) Soldering
(ii) Galvanization
(iii) Metallic coatings
(iv) Use of primers



CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Entrepreneurship

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Entrepreneurship

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : Entrepreneurship


Time allowed : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 70

General Instructions :
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) There are total 24 questions in all.
(iii) Marks for each question are indicated against it.
(iv) Questions 1 to 5 are Very Short Answer type, carrying 1 mark each.
(v) Questions 6 to 10 are Short Answer-I Type questions carrying 2 marks each.
(vi) Questions 11 to 17 are Long Answer-I Type questions carrying 3 marks each.
(vii) Questions 18 to 21 are Long Answer-II Type questions carrying 4 marks each.
(viii) Questions 22 to 24 are Essay Answer Type questions carrying 6 marks each.
(ix) Answers should be brief and to the point.
(x) Please write down the serial number of the question before attempting it.

1. Naveen belongs to a farmer family. One day he was viewing ‘Kirshi Darshan’ programme of ‘Doordarshan’ on his television. The heading of the programme was on ‘How to grow honey-bees and produce honey’ ? In the same programme the methods
of marketing honey through marketing cooperative societies were also being discussed. Naveen decided to grow honey-bees and market the honey produced. Identify the idea field. which helped Naveen in generating the idea of growing honeybees
and marketing the honey. 

2. What is meant by ‘Environment Scanning’ ?

3. List the two documents other than ‘The Companies Act’ on the basis of which the scope of a company is determined.

4. The first three steps in the process of creativity are : idea germination, preparation and incubation. List the remaining two steps in the order in which they are followed.

5. What is meant by ‘marketing strategy’ ?

6. One of the keys to business success is to anticipate what the market will want or need before the entrepreneurs are aware of it themselves. Name and give the meaning of the concept with the help of which they can see into the future.

7. Name and give the meaning of the economic activity that is performed by lawyers, doctors, chartered accountants and company secretaries.

8. Explain any two rules for goal setting.

9.  Ravi started an organic food processing unit in his village situated on National Highway Number 8 in Alwar district of Rajasthan with an initial investment of ı 10

lakhs. He also took a loan of ı 5,00,000 from his father and a loan of ı 3,00,000 from his friend Naresh. After six months, for the expansion of his business he again felt that business required more funds. So he contacted Harish, who was a retired executive and had expertise and experience in similar type of business besides his good industry connections. Harish also knew that because of high-risk involved in the business there was a possibility of high return. Therefore, he agreed to invest ı 7 lakhs in Ravi’s business with a condition that the amount invested by him will be converted into equity after two years. Name and explain the source of raising finance used by Ravi.

10. The net profit of a business before interest and tax but after depreciation and amortization was ı 2,00,000. The firm paid interest of ı 5,000 and tax of ı 6,000. The depreciation charged during the year was ı 3,000 and the value of goodwill
amortized was ı 1,000. Calculate EBITDA.

11. What is meant by financial management ? State its objectives.

12.From the following information calculate Return on Equity : Capital ı 3,00,000 10% Loan ı 1,00,000 Net profit before interest ı 70,000.
Also state the return on rupees per lakh of equity.

13. Singh and Gupta decided to start a leather bags manufacturing unit. They entered into an agreement stipulating the different aspects of business. Now they want to register the organization they have formed. Identify the form of organization formed by them and describe the procedure of its registration.

CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Secretarial Practice And Accounting

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Secretarial Practice And Accounting

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : Secretarial Practice And Accounting

(Theory) Paper – II

Time allowed : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 60

General Instructions :
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks for each question are indicated against it.
(iii) Questions No. 1 to 10 are very short answer type questions carrying 2-3 marks each. Answer to them should not normally exceed 30 words each.
(iv) Questions No. 11 to 16 are short answer questions, carrying 4 marks each. Answer to them should not normally exceed 70 words each.
(v) Questions No. 17 and 18 are long answer questions, carrying 6 marks each. Answer to them should not normally exceed 150 words each.
(vi) Answers should be brief and to the point.

1.What is meant by a Petty Cash Book ?

2. Give the meaning of ‘Minutes of a Meeting’.

3. Give the meaning of a ‘Cheque’.

4.Name the document that is used for depositing cash into bank. Also, prepare its specimen.

5. What is meant by ‘Quorum’ ?

6. Give the meaning of ‘notice’ of a meeting.

7. State the qualifications of a ‘Private Secretary’.

8. Who can be appointed as the secretary of a football club ? Explain briefly.

9. What is meant by an ‘Agenda’ of a meeting ?

10. Give the meaning of ‘Credit Note’.

11.Explain the nature of a private secretary’s job.

12.Briefly explain the duties of the secretary of a school management committee.

13.As the private secretary to the chief executive of an Art gallery, how will you organize his meetings with the visitors ? Explain briefly.

14.Briefly explain the qualifications of the secretary of a music club.

15.Describe briefly the daily routine of a private secretary.

16. Briefly explain the responsibilities of the secretary of a Charitable Hospital.

17. Describe briefly the general rules governing general body meeting of an association.
Briefly explain the secretary’s duties before the organization of a general body meeting.

18. State any six causes of difference between the cash book balance and the pass book balance.
Enter the following transactions in the bank column cash book of Sohan :
2016 ı
Feb. 1 Started business with cash 2,00,000
” 3 Opened bank account and deposit into bank 1,60,000
” 6 Purchased office furniture and paid by cheque 15,000
” 10 Purchased goods and paid by cheque 12,000
” 11 Sold goods and received payment by cheque 6,000
” 12 Cash Sales 11,000
” 12 Paid wages by cheque 7,000
” 13 Withdrew cash from bank 9,000

CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Agriculture

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Agriculture

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : Agriculture

• Please check that this question paper contains 4 printed pages.
• Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the
title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
• Please check that this question paper contains 14 questions.
• Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it.
• 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be
distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the
question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period.


Time allowed : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 70
General Instructions :
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks for questions are indicated against each of them.

1. Write in brief about the following :
(i) Black cotton soil
(ii) Organic farming in National Economy
(iii) Two major green manuring crops
(iv) Soil solarization method of Weed control
(v) Diammonium phosphate – as a fertilizer

2. Fill in the blanks :
(a) _______ is the cultural practice of a crop field, where after the harvest of the first crop, second crop is sown without land preparation.
(b) Organic farming contribute ______ in the national economics of the country.
(c) Kitchen gardens are mostly used to grow ______ and _______ crops.
(d) If monsoon rains are normal in Kharif season, then the barani crops of ______season may also be benefitted.
(e) Bihar State grow Rabi-Maize in large area, similarly Rabi-Sorghum is grown in ______ State

3. I.C.A.R.’s two Research Institutes on Sugarcane crop are situated in Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) and Lucknow (U.P.). On what different aspects these institutes are working ?

4.Two foreign dwarf wheat varieties (Sonora-64 & Lerma Rojo) contributed a lot in first “Green Revolution” of India. Name the country from where these varieties were imported. Name the scientist under whom the team of scientists developed dwarf, high
yielding varieties of wheat. Name two varieties of such developed wheat.

5. Write the names of improved varieties, seed rate and yield per hectare of the produce from Haryana.

6. How are acidic and alkaline soils reclaimed for agriculture purposes ? Write in brief.

7. Can agriculture be commercialized in India ? If the answer is yes, how ? Discuss.

8.Differentiate between the following :
(i) Annuals and perennials in a garden
(ii) Trees and Shrubs
(iii) Grafting and layering
(iv) Roses and Gladiolus
(v) Inter-cropping and sole cropping in vegetables

9. Write in brief about the cultivation practices in carrot and cauliflower.

10. How is canning beneficial for fruit and vegetable marketing ? Write in brief.

11.Write in brief on the following :
(i) Role of fruits and vegetables in human diet in relation to nutritive value.
(ii) Out-off reason cultivation of summer squash.

12.Write in brief about nutritive value of ripe banana and uses of marigold flowers.

13.Write in brief about vegetable preservation. Name two important “fruit-preservatives”.

14. Timely change in a well recognized cropping patterns of India through “Crop Diversification” has been proved to be more advantageous. How ? Write in brief.

CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : All India Scheme, Library And Information Science

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 :

All India Scheme, Library And Information Science

CBSE Class-12 Question Papers for IOP/Comptt Examination 2017 : Library And Information Science


Time allowed : 3 hours

Maximum Marks : 70

General Instructions :
(i) There are 24 questions in all.
(ii) All the questions are compulsory.
(iii) Question nos. 1 to 5 are very short answer questions carrying 1 mark each. Answer to each of these should not exceed 15 words.
(iv) Question nos. 6 to 10 are short answer questions carrying 2 marks each. Answer to each of these should not exceed 50 words.
(v) Question nos. 11 to 17 are short answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each of these should not exceed 75 words.
(vi) Question nos. 18 to 21 are short answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to each of these should not exceed 150 words.
(vii) Question no. 22 to 24 are long answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to each of these should not exceed 250 words.

1. Who is the inventor of “reflector lights” ?

2. Name the type of set where audience sees the actual space of action.

3. There are three levels of conflict that make a play more satisfying. Mention any two such levels of conflict.

4.  Who brought three dimensional sets on stage and created integrity between actors and design ?

5. Why an active extension programme was added to the two wings of National School of Drama (NSD) ?

6.What are the two types of props ?

7.“In real life there is always a stimulus that sets off our reaction but on the stage, the stimulus is unreal or imagined.” In the light of the above statement explain how an actor should aim to create a response to imaginary stimuli ?

8. How National Cultural Exchange Programme (NCEP) of Zonal Cultural Centres been able to achieve its objective of unity within diversity in our country ?

9. Explain the term “Theatre of Cruelty”.

10. Renu has a teaching certificate in order to teach and instruct students in the techniques of acting, directing, playwriting, script analysis etc. Explain the role she can play in a production organization.

11. An actor’s potential lies in his ability to possess a power of co-ordination and positive movement. Explain.

12. Why it is important for a playwright to understand and know the established artistic and theatrical conventions of the theatre ?

13.Explain the term “Action Research”.

14. State how the ‘Sangeet Natak Academy’ preserves and promotes the vast intangible heritage of India’s diverse culture expressed in the forms of music, dance and drama.


CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 


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