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CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : Marking Scheme, Foundation of Information Technology

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : Marking Scheme

Question Paper Foundation Of Information Technology


CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 :  Foundation Of Information Technology (Delhi)










Fill in the blanks :

(½ Mark for writing each correct answer)




In XML an element which has no content is termed as                      








A tag that requires an opening as well as a closing tag is called a          tag.








The              tag provides additional information including title, scripts used, etc. about a webpage.








                  tag make a numbered list.








                  tag is used for inserting a background image.








For displaying coloured text                    tag is used.








Any software designed to harm the computer, or disturb its normal operations is known as                          




MALWARE OR VIRUS OR Spyware OR any other correct answer




You can make use of an               software to detect the presence of virus.








Quick heal is a type of                    








                  is a tricky application that appears to be legitimate and useful at first glance.








State True or False:

(½ Mark for writing each correct option)




An attribute defines a property of the element.








XML elements can be defined as building blocks of an XML.








HTML tags tell a web browser how to render a web page.








SRC attribute specifies an alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be displayed.








A hyperlink apply to text only.








<th> tags always need to come at the start of a column.








Unsolicited email attachments should not be opened as they can be dangerous.








Always use a same password for each website you log in to.








Avoid pirated software as they are a security risk.








Spyware is type of malicious program.








Short Answer Questions:




What is the difference between cellspacing and cellpadding attribute ?





Set the space between the cells




Cellpadding sets the space between cell wall and its content


(1 mark for each correct answer)



Write any two precautions to avoid spam.




●    Never click on links that come from unknown sources.

●    Never, ever reply to a spam message.

●    Don't forward an email from someone you don't know to a list of people.

●    Use a spam filter.

OR, any other correct precautions


(1 Mark each for any two correct precautions)




Write the HTML code to display image with red border.




<img  src=”b.jpg”  border=1  bordercolor=red>


(1 mark for IMG Tag)

( 1 mark for border attribute)


Note: Ignore the bordercolor attribute




Write the full forms of :

(i) WWW (ii) FTP (iii) LI (iv) HR




(i)  WWW - World Wide Web

(ii) FTP - File Transfer Protocol

(iii) LI - List Item

(iv) HR - Horizontal Rule OR Horizontal Ruler


(½ mark for each correct full form)




Internet is a series of interconnected computers throughout the world. (i) Name any one of the services that is offered on internet.

(ii) Name any one of the internet service provider.




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CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, Sociology

CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, Philosophy

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, Information And Communication Technology

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme

Question Paper, Information And Communication Technology


CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 :   Information And Communication Technology

Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
1. What is meant by cyber laws ? 1
2. What is cyber space ? 1
3. What all is covered under software copyright ? 1
4. What is the use of ‘‘Action’’ attribute of a form ? 1
5. Which method of <form> has no limitation over data size  get or post ? 1
6. Which CSS property describes the background image of a web page ? 1
7. DHTML is a combination of which technologies ? Name them. 1
8. What is the limitation of CSS ? 1
9. Which element in a form allows to create a drop down list ? 1
10. What is freeware ? 2
11. Name any two types of software licenses. 2
12. What are cookies ? 2
13. What is the difference in font-weight and font-style properties ? 2
14. <input type=textarea> is used in a form to create a textbox. Write the names of any other four attributes which can be used here. 2
15. Write any two advantages of using CSS. 2
16. Write the purpose of ‘‘Name’’ attribute with any form element. 2
17. Name the CSS property which is used to : 2
(a) Insert a background image
(b) Control the behaviour of a background image
18. Write the name of the attribute which is used to : 2
(a) Display text on a button
(b) Define the path where the form data should go
19. Write any two guidelines to be followed for cyber safety. 2
20. Write the code using CSS to generate the following output :
(a) This Will Be Capitalised
This will have no effect
this will be in lowercase
(b) This example is combining six css properties
The above text is normal, bold, 40 pt, Arial.
Background colour is yellow and font colour is maroon.

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CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, National Cadet Corps

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme

Question Paper,  National Cadet Corps


CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 :   National Cadet Corps

संकलित परीक्षा - II
राष्ट्रीय कैडेट कोर
निर्धारित समय : ३ घण्टे                                                                                                                                                   अधिकतम अंक : ७०
Time allowed : 3 hours                                                                                                                                                 Maximum Marks : 70
भाग ख
सामान्य विषय
१. किस उद्देश्य के साथ अंग्रेμजों ने प्रथम विश्व युद्ध के समय विश्वविद्यालय कोर बनाया था ? १
With what aim did the Britishers create the University Corps during the First World War ?
२. निम्नलिखित किस वर्ष में लागू हुए थे ?
(क) मॉर्ले-मिन्टो सुधार
(ख) रॉलेट ऐक्ट
In which year did the following come into effect ?
(a) Morley-Minto Reforms
(b) Rowlatt Act
३. ड्रिल से सम्बन्धित किन्हीं दो बुरी आदतों का उल्लेख कीजिए ।
Mention any two bad habits related to drill.
४. एस.जी.एस.वाई. का पूर्ण रूप क्या है ? १
Give the full form of SGSY.
५. ‘ड्रगङ्क शब्द की परिभाषा दीजिए । १
Define the word ‘drug’.
६. प्राकृतिक आपदाओं के समय सीनियर qवग के कैडेट किस प्रकार से सहयोग दे सकते हैं ? किन्हीं दो के बारे में बताइए । २
Mention any two ways in which senior wing cadets can assist during the natural disasters.
७. POA का पूर्ण रूप क्या है ? रैपिड फायरिंग के समय कौन-से प्रकार के टार्गेट का इस्तोल किया जाता है ? १x२=२
What is the full form of POA ? What type of target is used during rapid firing ?
८. फायरिंग रेंज के एक तरμफ उचित स्थान पर लगाए जाने वाले विभिन्न प्रकार के स्टैन्ड की सूची बनाइए ।
Give a list of different types of stands put on one side of the firing range at appropriate place.
९. एन.सी.सी. ‘सीङ्क सर्टिफिकेट धारकों के लिए आर्मी (थल-सेना), नौसेना और वायु सेना में कितनी रिक्तियाँ आरक्षित होती हैं ? ३
How many vacancies are reserved for NCC ‘C’ certificate holders in Army, Navy and Air Force ?
१०. ड्रिल से सम्बन्धित निम्नलिखित जानकारी प्रदान कीजिए : १x३=३
(क) ‘सावधानङ्क की अवस्था में दोनों पैर के अँगूठों के बीच कौन-सा कोण बनता है ?
(ख) ‘विश्रामङ्क की अवस्था में दोनों ऐ‹िडयों के बीच कितनी दूरी होती है ?
(ग) ‘सावधानङ्क और ‘विश्रामङ्क दोनों अवस्थाओं में पैर को कितना ऊपर उठाकर फिर नीचे लाते हैं ?
Provide the following information with regard to the drill :
(a) Angle formed between toes in ‘attention’ position.
(b) Distance between the ankles in ‘at ease’ position.
(c) How high do we raise our feet in both ‘attention’ and ‘at ease’ positions before putting them down ?

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CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, Foundation of Information Tech

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme

Question Paper, Foundation of Information Tech


CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 :  Foundation of Information Tech

  • Please check that this question paper contains 8 printed pages.
  • Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
  • Please check that this question paper contains 6 questions.
  • Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it.
  • 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period.
Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 70
1. Fill in the blanks : 5
(a) You need a ___________ to create and edit an XML document.
(b) ___________ are used to connect web pages.
(c) The default alignment of an image is ___________ .
(d) In HTML, while creating a table, we cannot use background attribute with ___________ tag.
(e) To increase space between two cells, ___________ attribute should be used.
(f) A website which allows you to share opinion and discuss topics in the form of an online journal is called as ___________ .
(g) ___________ is a type of malware that is installed on a user’s computer and collects information about the users without their consent and knowledge.
(h) A ___________ is a technical person who breaks through the system’s security with malicious intentions.
(i) ___________ is business in online environment.
(j) ___________ protects a server, a network and an individual PC from attack by viruses from other systems.
2. State True or False : 5
(a) The HTML tag for inline image is <img>.
(b) Physical structure refers to different parts of a document i.e., how a document is built.
(c) A table’s background colour can be specified using backgroundcolor attribute.
(d) <TD> is a container tag.
(e) The default font size is 5.
(f) <caption> tag gives heading to a table.
(g) To avoid spam, never click on links that come from someone you do not know.
(h) XML uses DTD to describe the data.
(i) A worm is a program designed to replicate.
(j) Unsolicited bulk emails are called spams.
3. Short Answer Questions :
(a) Write the HTML code to display an image on the right side of a page. 2
(b) Write any two precautions to avoid spam. 2
(c) Write the attributes of <img> tag which are used for specifying its dimensions in a web page. 2
(d) Write the full forms of the following : 2
(i) ISP
(ii) HTML
(iii) <OL>
(iv) <BR>

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CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, Painting

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme

Question Paper, Painting

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 :  Painting

  • कृपया जाँच कर लें कि इस प्रश्न-पत्र में मुद्रित पृष्ठ ३ हैं ।
  • प्रश्न-पत्र में दाहिने हाथ की ओर दिए गए कोड नम्बर को छात्र उत्तर-पुस्तिका के मुख-पृष्ठ पर लिखें ।
  • कृपया जाँच कर लें कि इस प्रश्न-पत्र में १ प्रश्न है ।
  • कृपया प्रश्न का उत्तर लिखना शुरू करने से पहले, प्रश्न का क्रमांक अवश्य लिखें ।
  • इस प्रश्न-पत्र को प‹ढने के लिए १५ मिनट का समय दिया गया है । प्रश्न-पत्र का वितरण पूर्वाङ्घ में १०.१५ बजे किया जाएगा । १०.१५ बजे से १०.३० बजे तक छात्र केवल प्रश्न-पत्र को प‹ढेंगे और इस अवधि के दौरान वे उत्तर-पुस्तिका पर कोई उत्तर नहीं लिखेंगे ।

Please check that this question paper contains 3 printed pages.

  • Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
  • Please check that this question paper contains 1 question.
  • Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it.
  • 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period.
संकलित परीक्षा II खख
निर्धारित समय : ३ घण्टे                                                          अधिकतम अंक : ६०
Time allowed : 3 hours                                                       Maximum Marks : 60

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Courtesy: CBSE

CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : Marking Scheme, Chemistry

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : Marking Scheme

Question Paper, Chemistry

CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 :  Chemistry (Delhi)

Class 12 papers

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CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 :  Chemistry (Foreign)

Class 12 papers

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CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 :  Chemistry (Outside)

Class 12 papers


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Courtesy: CBSE


CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : Marking Scheme, English Communicative

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : Marking Scheme

Question Paper English Communicative


CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 :  English Communicative (Delhi)

All India Secondary School Examination: 2017
Marking Scheme - English Communicative (Delhi - 1/1/1, 1/1/2, 1/1/3)
General Instructions:
Please note that the questions are numbered in continuation from 1 to 11.
(i) Marking of the entire script should be done by one examiner. All answers in all the scripts issued to the examiner should be marked section wise.
(ii) In the marking scheme, a slash (/) indicates alternative answers; any one such answer is counted as correct.
(iii) Brackets ( ) indicate optional information; the mark is awarded
whether the part in brackets is included or not.
(iv) If a student writes an answer which is not given in the marking scheme but which is equally acceptable, full marks should be awarded.
(v) Students should not be penalized if they do not follow the order of the sections / questions while answering.
(vi) In questions requiring word limit please note that no marks are to be deducted for exceeding the word limit.
(vii) The Marking Scheme carries only suggested value points for the answers. These are only guidelines and do not constitute the complete answers. The students can have their own expression and if the expression is correct, marks should be awarded accordingly.
(Strictly Confidential (For Internal and Restricted Use Only)
Note : Section A tests a candidate’s ability to read and understand only, therefore, no deductions are to be made for errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation. Marks should be awarded if the answer can be clearly understood.
Objective: This section evaluates the reading and comprehension skills of the students and their ability to infer and evaluate the given information.
Objective: To identify the main points of a text
Marking: 8 marks – 1 mark for each correct answer
Answers :
a) poor, barely managing their essentials.
b) how to live and maintain dignity and self-respect
c) invited village folk passing by to have tea at their home / gave grains to the sadhus and pandits who came to the house
d) a rebel, asked questions / not satisfied with the customary way of life
e) The author’s brothers were always getting preferential treatment. / All opportunities and options were open to them.
f) They had to go up and down the mountain slopes for their daily livelihood and even for their routine work.
g) to talk to them to learn more about their travels
h) to educate themselves on social , cultural and scientific aspects of mountaineering and to seek peace in nature’s gigantic scheme of things.


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CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 :  English Communicative (Foreign)

All India Secondary School Examination 2017
Marking Scheme - English Communicative (Foreign - 1/2/1, 1/2/2, 1/2/3)
General Instructions:
Please note that the questions are numbered in continuation from 1 to 11.
(i) Marking of the entire script should be done by one examiner. All answers in all the scripts issued to the examiner should be marked section wise.
(ii) In the marking scheme, a slash (/) indicates alternative answers; any one such answer is counted as correct.
(iii) Brackets ( ) indicate optional information; the mark is awarded whether the part in brackets is included or not.
(iv) If a student writes an answer which is not given in the marking scheme but which is equally acceptable, full marks should be awarded.
(v) Students should not be penalized if they do not follow the order of the sections / questions while answering.
(vi) In questions requiring word limit please note that no marks are to be deducted for exceeding the word limit.
(vii) The Marking Scheme carries only suggested value points for the answers. These are only guidelines and do not constitute the complete answers. The students can have their own expression and if the expression is correct, marks should be awarded accordingly.
(Strictly Confidential (For Internal and Restricted Use Only)
Note : Section A tests a candidate’s ability to read and understand only, therefore, no deductions are to be made for errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation. Marks should be awarded if the answer can be clearly understood.
Objective: This section evaluates the reading and comprehension skills of the students and their ability to infer and evaluate the given information.


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CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 :  English Communicative (NSQF)

All India Secondary School Examination – 2017
Marking Scheme - English Communicative (NSQF) 501/1, 501/2, 501/3
General Instructions:
Please note that the questions are numbered in continuation from 1 to 11.
(i) Marking of the entire script should be done by one examiner. All answers in all the scripts issued to the examiner should be marked section wise.
(ii) In the marking scheme, a slash (/) indicates alternative answers; any one such answer is counted as correct.
(iii) Brackets ( ) indicate optional information; the mark is awarded whether the part in brackets is included or not.
(iv) If a student writes an answer which is not given in the marking scheme but which is equally acceptable, full marks should be awarded.
(v) Students should not be penalized if they do not follow the order of the sections / questions while answering.
(vi) In questions requiring word limit please note that no marks are to be deducted for exceeding the word limit.
(vii) The Marking Scheme carries only suggested value points for the answers. These are only guidelines and do not constitute the complete answers. The students can have their own expression and if the expression is correct, marks should be awarded accordingly.
(Strictly Confidential (For Internal and Restricted Use Only)
Note : Section A tests a candidate’s ability to read only, therefore no deductions are to be made for errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation. Marks should be awarded if the answer can be clearly understood.
Objective: This section evaluates the reading and comprehension skills of the students and their ability to infer and evaluate the given information.
Objective: To identify the main points of a text
Marking: 8 marks – 2 mark for each correct answer
a) Nalanda discovered a long time ago- Sirpur, a new entrant as a place of pilgrimage.
b) a Buddha statue of 6th century AD – a temple complex
c) has turned into an exciting and rewarding holiday destination
d) 100 Buddhist monasteries; 10000 monks (priests) from the Mahayana sect; that the king had deep faith in Buddhism (any two)

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Courtesy: CBSE

CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, Psychology

Class 12 papers

CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, Psychology

CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 :  Psychology 

मनोविज्ञान (सैद्धान्तिक)
भाग क
१. यदि किसी व्यक्ति के पास दूसरे के उत्प्रेरकों, भावनाओं और व्यवहार को समझने का कौशल
है, तो उसमें मानी जाती है १
(क) अंतर्वैयक्तिक बुद्धि
(ख) अंतरावैयक्तिक बुद्धि
(ग) भाषिक बुद्धि
(घ) सामाजिक बुद्धि
If a person has the skill of understanding the motives, feelings and behaviours of other people, he/she is said to have
(a) Interpersonal intelligence
(b) Intrapersonal intelligence
(c) Linguistic intelligence
(d) Social intelligence
२. किसी व्यक्ति का अपने बारे में मूल्यों का आकलन कहा जाता है __________ । १
Value judgement of a person about himself/herself is called __________
३. शारीरिक, भावनात्मक और मनोवैज्ञानिक परिश्रांति की अवस्था को कहा जाता है १
(क) प्रतिरोध
(ख) दबाव
(ग) प्रभावहीनता
(घ) सामना करना
The state of physical, emotional and psychological exhaustion is known as
(a) Resistance
(b) Stress
(c) Burnout
(d) Coping
४. किसी विशेष विचार अथवा विषय के बारे में सोचना छो‹डने की अयोग्यता बाध्यकारी व्यवहार है । (सत्य/असत्य) १
Compulsive behaviour is the inability to stop thinking about a particular idea or topic. (True/False)
५. अपर्याप्त आधारों पर बने एक असत्य विश्वास को कहा जाता है ___________ १
A false belief that is firmly held on inadequate grounds is known as __________ .
६. तदनुभूति का आशय है दूसरे व्यक्ति के दृष्टिकोण से वस्तुओं को समझना । (सत्य/असत्य) १
Empathy means understanding things from other person’s perspective.
७. वर्गों के रूप में कार्य करने वाली अन्विति योजनाओं (स्कीमाज) को कहा जाता है _________ १
Schemas that function in the form of categories are called __________ .
८. किसी विशिष्ट उद्देश्य से एकत्रित लोगों के समूह को कहा जाता है__________ १
Collection of people assembled for a particular purpose is called an _____ .
९. जीवधारियों और उनके पर्यावरण के बीच संबंधों का अध्ययन ममममममममममम है । १
__________ is the study of the relationships between living beings and their environment.
१०. सेवार्थी (क्लाइंट) के कथन और अनुभव को विभिन्न शब्दों का प्रयोग करते हुए समझ लेने की
परामर्शदाता की योग्यता को कहा जाता है १
(क) विसंकेतन
(ख) संप्रेषण
(ग) श्रवण
(घ) पदान्वयन
The ability of a counsellor to reflect on what the client says and feels using different words is known as
(a) Decoding
(b) Communication
(c) Listening
(d) Paraphrasing

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Courtesy: CBSE


CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, History

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, Home Science

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme

Question Paper, Home Science

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 :  Home Science

कृपया जाँच कर लें कि इस प्रश्न-पत्र में मुद्रित पृष्ठ ८ हैं ।
  • प्रश्न-पत्र में दाहिने हाथ की ओर दिए गए कोड नम्बर को छात्र उत्तर-पुस्तिका के मुख-पृष्ठ पर लिखें ।
  • कृपया जाँच कर लें कि इस प्रश्न-पत्र में २८ प्रश्न हैं ।
  • कृपया प्रश्न का उत्तर लिखना शुरू करने से पहले, प्रश्न का क्रमांक अवश्य लिखें ।
  • इस प्रश्न-पत्र को प‹ढने के लिए १५ मिनट का समय दिया गया है । प्रश्न-पत्र का वितरण पूर्वाङ्घ में १०.१५ बजे किया जाएगा । १०.१५ बजे से १०.३० बजे तक छात्र केवल प्रश्न-पत्र को प‹ढेंगे और इस अवधि के दौरान वे उत्तर-पुस्तिका पर कोई उत्तर नहीं लिखेंगे ।
Please check that this question paper contains 8 printed pages.
  • Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
  • Please check that this question paper contains 28 questions.
  • Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it.
  • 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period.
संकलित परीक्षा -  II
गृह विज्ञान

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CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme Question Paper, Commerce

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : All India Scheme

Question Paper, Commerce

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 :  Commerce

संकलित परीक्षा - II
(1) वाणिज्य के तत्त्व निर्धारित समय : ३ घण्टे अधिकतम अंक : ९०
Elements of Business Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 90
(2) बहीखाता तथा लेखांकन के तत्त्व निर्धारित समय : ३ घण्टे अधिकतम अंक : ९०
Elements of Book-Keeping and Accountancy Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 90
(3) ई-प्रकाशन एवं ई-कार्यालय निर्धारित समय : २ घण्टे अधिकतम अंक : ३०
e-Publishing and e-Office Time allowed : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 30
१. निम्नलिखित में से कोई एक विषय लिया जा सकता है :
(1) वाणिज्य के तत्त्व
(2) बहीखाता तथा लेखांकन के तत्त्व
(3) ई-प्रकाशन एवं ई-कार्यालय
Note :
1. Any one of the following areas can be offered :
(i) Elements of Business
(ii) Elements of Book-Keeping and Accountancy
(iii) e-Publishing and e-Office

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CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : Marking Scheme, Physics

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : Marking Scheme, Sanskrit

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : Marking Scheme

Question Paper Sanskrit


CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 :  Sanskrit (Delhi)

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CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 :  Sanskrit (Outside)

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CBSE Class-10 Syllabus 2017-18



Traditionally, language-learning materials beyond the initial stages have been sourced from literature: prose, fiction and poetry. While there is a trend for inclusion of a wider range of contemporary and authentic texts, accessible and culturally appropriate pieces of literature should play a pivotal role at the secondary stage of education. The English class should not be seen as a place merely to read poems and stories in, but an area of activities to develop the learner’s imagination as a major aim of language study, and to equip the learner with communicative skills to perform various language functions through speech and writing.
The general objectives at this stage are:
• to build greater confidence and proficiency in oral and written communication
• to develop the ability and knowledge required in order to engage in independent reflection and inquiry
• to use appropriate English to communicate in various social settings
• equip learners with essential language skills to question and to articulate their point of view
• to build competence in the different registers of English
• to develop sensitivity to, and appreciation of, other varieties of English, like Indian English, and the culture they reflect
• to enable the learner to access knowledge and information through reference skills (consulting a dictionary / thesaurus, library, internet, etc.)
• to develop curiosity and creativity through extensive reading
• to facilitate self-learning to enable them to become independent learners
• to review, organise and edit their own work and work done by peers At the end of this stage, learners will be able to do the following:
• give a brief oral description of events / incidents of topical interest
• retell the contents of authentic audio texts (weather reports, public announcements, simple advertisements, short interviews, etc.)
• participate in conversations, discussions, etc., on topics of mutual interest in non-classroom situations
• narrate the story depicted pictorially or in any other non-verbal mode


Courtesy: CBSE

CBSE Special TX: 
Exam / Class: 

CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : Marking Scheme, English Elective

CBSE Class-12 Exam 2017 : Marking Scheme, English Core

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : Marking Scheme, Social Science

CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 : Marking Scheme

Question Paper Social Science


CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 :  Social Science (Delhi)

Secondary School Exam. (March, 2017)
Social Science (Summative Assessment 2)
Marking Scheme (Delhi) 32/1/1, 32/1/2, 32/1/3
General Instructions:
1. The Marking scheme provides general guidelines to reduce subjectivity in the marking. The answers given in the Marking Scheme are suggested answers. The content is thus indicative. If a student has given any other answer which is different from the one given in the Marking Scheme but conveys the meaning, such answers should be given full weightage.
2. Evaluation is to be done as per instructions provided in the Marking Scheme. It should not be done according to one’s own interpretation or any other consideration. Marking Scheme should be strictly adhered to and religiously followed.
3. If a question has parts, please award marks in the right hand side for each part. Marks awarded for different parts of the question should then be totalled up and written in the left margin and encircled.
4. If a question does not have any parts, marks be awarded in the left-hand margin.
5. If a child has attempted an extra choice question, answer of the question deserving more marks should be retained and the other answer scored out.
6. While evaluating the answer book it should be remembered that Social Science course at this stage is a part of general education and therefore does not require a specialized study of the four subjects – History, Geography, Civics and Economics which comprise it.
7. Except for questions which require recall of information, the responses of students should be evaluated in terms of the understanding that they reflect. Listing down of points without any explanation may not be proper indication of the examinee’s understanding.
8. A mere listing of large number of points should not be seen as a better answer than fewer points well explained. The answer of latter type should be given credit.
9. Reference to the page number of the prescribed text books has been given for various questions. This is for the information of the examiners and a reading of these pages of the text books may be useful in assessing the answer scripts. Page number in the Marking Scheme refers to the N.C.E.R.T. books (latest edition).
10. A full scale of marks 0 to 90 has to be used. Please do not hesitate to award full marks if the answer deserves. specific Instructions:
11. The Marking Scheme carries only suggested value points for the answers. These are only guidelines and do not constitute the complete answer. The students have their own expression and if the expression is correct, the marks should be awarded accordingly.
12. As per orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, the candidates are being permitted to obtain photocopy of the evaluated Answer Book on request on payment of the prescribed fee. All Examiners/ Head Examiners are once again reminded that they must ensure that evaluation is carried out strictly as per value points per each answer as given in the Marking Scheme.
13. All the Head Examiners are instructed that while evaluating the answer scripts, if the answer is found to be totally incorrect the (x) should be marked on the incorrect answer and awarded ‘0’ marks.
14. The Examiners should acquaint themselves with the guidelines given in the Guidelines for Spot
Evaluation before starting the actual evaluation.
15. Every Examiner should stay upto sufficiently reasonable time normally 5-6 hours every day and evaluate 20-25 answer books and devote minimum 15-20 minutes to evaluate each answer book.
16. Every Examiner should acquaint himself/herself with the marking schemes of all the sets.


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CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 :  Social Science (Foreign)




CODE NO. 32/2/1






“Vande Mataram” was written by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay.

71 (H)



State related to National Waterways No. 3 is Kerala.

87 (G)



Sectional Interest Group – It seeks to promote the interests of a particular section or a group of society.

64 (PS)



Political Reforms :

Overcoming challenges to democracy is called Political Reforms




Reasons to accept Multi -Party System in India

To accommodate   social and geographical diversity .




Money beneficial in transactions

It eliminates the need for double coincidence of wants./It act as a medium of exchange.

40 (E)




“Win a Gold Coin inside a pack”

Any other relevant advertisement.

84 (E)



Right to Seek Redressal

Consumers have Right to Seek Redressal against unfair trade practices and exploitation. He/ She have the right to get compensation depending on the degree of damage.

Explanation done through an example may also be considered.




The formation of British Nation State




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CBSE Class-10 Exam 2017 :  Social Science (Out side)




MARCH  2017



Page No




The writer of the book ‘Hind Swaraj’ is Mahatma Gandhi




The river related to National Waterway No.2 is River Brahmaputra




One difference between a pressure group and a political party is n Political parties contest elections and hold power in the government while pressure groups attempt to influence government policies.

DP -91



Democracy is a form of government in which the rulers are elected by the people.




Political party in India which grew out of a movement is :

1.  Asom Gana Parishad

2.  DMK (Dravida Munnetra kazhagam)

3.  AIADMK ( All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam)

4.  AAP  (Aam Admi Party)

5.  Any other relevant party. (Any one party to be named)

DP -




A person holding money can easily exchange it for any commodity or service that he or she might want.

Example :- The shoe manufacturer will first exchange shoes that he has produced for money and then exchange the money for wheat.

Any other relevant example.

E -39



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Click Here to Download Social Science (Hindi)Delhi

Click Here to Download Social Science (Hindi)Outside

Courtesy: CBSE

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